The Routing Information Protocol version 2 (RIPv2) ignored the routes advertised by the neighbor.
The most common reasons for this error are:
The route's network class is invalid.
The route is to the loopback network.
The route is to the broadcast network.
The interface is configured to reject host routes and a host route was received.
The interface is configured to reject default routes and a default route was received.
A filter is configured on the interface which excluded the route that was received.
The route contains invalid metric.
The route contains some invalid information.
Sample Event#1: IPRIPv2 is ignoring a route to %1 with next-hop %2 which was advertisedby a neighbor with IP address %3. The route''s network class is invalid.
Sample Event#2: IPRIPv2 is ignoring a route to the loopback network %1 with next-hop %2which was advertised by a neighbor with IP address %3.
Sample Event#3: IPRIPv2 is ignoring a route to the broadcast network %1 with next-hop %2which was advertised by a neighbor with IP address %3.
Sample Event#4: IPRIPv2 is ignoring a host route to %1 with next-hop %2 which wasadvertised by a neighbor with IP address %3, because the interfaceon which the route was received is configured to reject host routes.
Sample Event#5: IPRIPv2 is ignoring a default route with next-hop %2 which wasadvertised by a neighbor with IP address %3, because the interfaceon which the route was received is configured to reject default routes.
Sample Event#6: IPRIPv2 is ignoring a route to %1 with next-hop %2 which was advertisedby a neighbor with IP address %3, because the interface on whichthe route was received has a filter configured which excluded this route.
Sample Event#7: IPRIPv2 is ignoring a route on the local interface with IP address %1.The route is to the network %1 and it was received from a neighborwith IP address %2.The route is being ignored because it contains some invalid information.
Sample Event#8: IPRIPv2 is ignoring a route to %1 with next-hop %2which was advertised by a neighbor with IP address %3,since the route was advertised with an invalid metric.The data is the metric.
Verify the configuration on the interface and check whether it needs to be configured for accepting host or default routes.
Verify the filter(s) configured on the interface.
Verify the configuration on neighbor router(s) and make sure they generate valid routes.
Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
Target | AP.Remote.Access.Class.VPNServer |
Category | EventCollection |
Enabled | True |
Alert Generate | False |
Remotable | True |
Event Log | System |
ID | Module Type | TypeId | RunAs |
DS | DataSource | Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider | Default |
WriteToDB | WriteAction | Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectEvent | Default |
<Rule ID="Route_ignored_1_Rule" Enabled="true" Target="AP.Remote.Access.Class.VPNServer" ConfirmDelivery="true" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider">
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<XPathQuery Type="String">PublisherName</XPathQuery>
<WriteAction ID="WriteToDB" TypeID="SystemCenter!Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectEvent"/>