SMS 2003 Monitor SMS Executive Crash Dumps

SMS_2003_Monitor_SMS_Executive_Crash_Dumps (WriteActionModuleType)

Monitors SMS Executive crash dumps and reports the most recent new instance

Element properties:


Member Modules:

ID Module Type TypeId RunAs 
RunScriptAction WriteAction System.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.ScriptResponse Default

Source Code:

<WriteActionModuleType ID="SMS_2003_Monitor_SMS_Executive_Crash_Dumps" Accessibility="Internal" Comment="{402156B5-CA34-4A75-B700-C8B61CD88A6C}">
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="AlertGeneration" type="AlertGenerationType"/>
<xsd:element xmlns:xsd="" name="InvokerType" type="xsd:integer"/>
<WriteAction ID="RunScriptAction" TypeID="MomBackwardCompatibility!System.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.ScriptResponse">
' Script Name - SMS 2003 Monitor SMS Executive Crash Dumps
' Purpose - Monitors SMS Executive crash dumps and reports the most recent
' new instance.
' 1710 - An event used to report that a crash dump occurred.
' The following additional events can be raised:
' 1100 - An event used only for debugging or tracing.
' 1101 - Script executed successfully.
' 1102 - An error occurred in executing this script.
' 1105 - Accessed denied due to connection failure or permissions.
' Assumptions - This script will only run on SMS Servers based on SMS Executive.
' This script does not support agentless mode and will silently
' terminate.
' If a series of crash dumps occurred since the last time this
' script ran, only the last or most recent crash will be reported.
' Parameters - None
' Change Hist - Date Version Description
' -------- --------------- -----------
' 08/24/04 05.0.2707.0000 Added
' (c) Copyright 2004, Microsoft Corp., All Rights Reserved

Option Explicit

'Event Severity Constants



'Event Number Constants



'Event and Log Messages Constants

'Start Localization

'End Localization

'Debug Level constants

Const DBG_TRACE = 1
Const DBG_ERROR = 3
Const DBG_NONE = 4

'Registry Path and Value Constants


Const REG_VAL_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY = "Installation Directory"
Const REG_VAL_SITE_CODE = "Site Code"

'Varset Constants


'Global variables

Dim g_oDictionary ' Stores varset data. Note, only string data can be stored.

' Name: Main
' Purpose: Entry point for program execution.
' Parameters: None
' Returns: Nothing
Sub Main()

On Error Resume Next

LogMessage DBG_TRACE, ScriptContext.Name &amp; " script starting at local time: " &amp; CStr(Time)

'This script does not support agentless monitoring.

If ScriptContext.IsTargetAgentless Then
LogMessage DBG_TRACE, "No action taken; agentless monitoring is not supported."
Exit Sub
End If

'Initialize the persistent var set this script uses.


If 0 &lt;&gt; Err.number Then
ScriptError "load script variables." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)
Exit Sub
End If

'Check if a new crash dump has occurred since the last time a check
'was done. If so, raise an event to report it.


'Persist the var set this script uses.


If 0 &lt;&gt; Err.number Then
ScriptError "save script variables." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)
End If

LogMessage DBG_TRACE, ScriptContext.Name &amp; " script completed at local time: " &amp; CStr(Time)

End Sub

' Name: CheckOnNewCrashDump
' Purpose: Checks if a new crash dump directory has been created since the
' last time a check was done.
' Parameters: None
' Returns: Nothing
Sub CheckOnNewCrashDump()

Dim strError

Dim objFSO
Dim objSubFolder
Dim objSubFolders
Dim objCrashDumpsFolder

Dim strTemp
Dim strNewFolder
Dim strCrashDumpsPath

Dim FolderCreateDate
Dim NewFolderCreateDate
Dim LastFolderCreateDate

Dim intDateDiffSeconds

On Error Resume Next

'Construct the full path for the CrashDumps directory.

strCrashDumpsPath = GetSMSInstallationPath()

If IsEmpty(strCrashDumpsPath) Then
Exit Sub
End If

strCrashDumpsPath = strCrashDumpsPath &amp; "\Logs\CrashDumps"

'Check if the CrashDumps directory exists.

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strCrashDumpsPath) Then

LogMessage DBG_ERROR, "Failed to verify existence of crash dump directory: " &amp; strCrashDumpsPath &amp; "."

Set objFSO = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If

'Get last crash dump folder creation date.

LastFolderCreateDate = GetLastCrashDumpFolderCreateDate()

'Check if new crash dumps were created and act only on the last one.

Set objCrashDumpsFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strCrashDumpsPath)

Set objSubFolders = objCrashDumpsFolder.SubFolders

If objSubFolders.Count &lt;&gt; 0 Then

For Each objSubFolder In objSubFolders

FolderCreateDate = objSubFolder.DateCreated

intDateDiffSeconds = DateDiff("s", LastFolderCreateDate, FolderCreateDate)

If intDateDiffSeconds &gt; 0 Then
strNewFolder = objSubFolder.Name
NewFolderCreateDate = FolderCreateDate
End If


End If

'If a new crash dump occurred, create an event.

If IsEmpty(strNewFolder) Then
LogMessage DBG_TRACE, "A new crash dump was not found under " &amp; strCrashDumpsPath &amp; "."
LogMessage DBG_TRACE, "Crash dump " &amp; strNewFolder &amp; " was found under " &amp; strCrashDumpsPath &amp; "."
CreateCrashDumpEvent strCrashDumpsPath, strNewFolder
End If


Set objSubFolders = Nothing
Set objCrashDumpsFolder = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing

End Sub

' Name: GetSMSInstallationPath
' Purpose: Get the SMS Installation Directory from the registry under the
' SMS Identification key.
' Parameters: None
' Returns: String, SMS Installation path if successful otherwise empty.
Function GetSMSInstallationPath()

Dim strError

Dim objShell

On Error Resume Next

'Create the WSH Shell object for accessing the registry.

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

'Read the Installation Directory value from under the SMS
'Identification key.


If IsEmpty(GetSMSInstallationPath) Then
strError = GetErrorString(Err)
LogMessage DBG_ERROR, "Failed to read registry value." &amp; strError
ScriptError "read registry value." &amp; strError
End If

Set objShell = Nothing

End Function

' Name: GetSMSSiteCode
' Purpose: Get the SMS Site Code from the registry under the SMS
' Identification key.
' Parameters: None
' Returns: String, returns the SMS Site Code if successful otherwise empty.
Function GetSMSSiteCode()

Dim strError

Dim objShell

On Error Resume Next

'Create the WSH Shell object for accessing the registry.

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

'Read the Site Code value from under the SMS Identification key.


If IsEmpty(GetSMSSiteCode) Then
strError = GetErrorString(Err)
LogMessage DBG_ERROR, "Failed to read registry value." &amp; strError
ScriptError "read registry value." &amp; strError
End If

Set objShell = Nothing

End Function

' Name: CreateCrashDumpEvent
' Purpose: To generate a MOM event containing the crash dump information
' found from the specified crash dump folder.
' Parameters: strCrashDumpsPath, the full CrashDumps folder path.
' strCrashDumpFolder, a crash dump folder under the CrashDumps
' folder path.
' Returns: Nothing
Sub CreateCrashDumpEvent(strCrashDumpsPath, strCrashDumpFolder)

Dim oEvent

Dim strSiteCode
Dim strMessage

On Error Resume Next

'Create MOM event object.

Set oEvent = ScriptContext.CreateEvent

'Initialize the event object.

oEvent.EventType = EVENT_TYPE_ERROR

strSiteCode = GetSMSSiteCode()
oEvent.Category = strSiteCode

strMessage = "SMS Executive in site '" &amp; strSiteCode &amp; _
"' has crashed. For details see crash dump information under '" &amp; _
strCrashDumpsPath &amp; "\" &amp; strCrashDumpFolder &amp; "'."

oEvent.Message = strMessage

'Submit, raise, this event to MOM.

LogMessage DBG_TRACE, "Submitting event " &amp; EVENT_ID_SMS_EXECUTIVE_CRASH_DUMP &amp; "."

ScriptContext.Submit oEvent


Set oEvent = Nothing

End Sub

' Name: GetErrorString
' Purpose: Attempts to find the description for an error if an error with
' no description is passed in.
' Parameters: oErr The error object
' Returns: String, the description for the error. (Includes the error code.)
Function GetErrorString(oErr)

Dim lErr
Dim strErr

lErr = oErr
strErr = oErr.Description

On Error Resume Next

If 0 &gt;= Len(strErr) Then

'If we don't have an error description, then check to see if the
'error is a 0x8007xxxx error. If it is, then look it up.

Const ErrorMask = &amp;HFFFF0000
Const HiWord8007 = &amp;H80070000
Const LoWordMask = 65535 ' This is equivalent to 0x0000FFFF

If (lErr And ErrorMask) = HiWord8007 Then

'Attempt to use 'net helpmsg' to get a description for the error.

Dim oShell
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

If Err = 0 Then

Dim oExec
Set oExec = oShell.Exec("net helpmsg " &amp; (lErr And LoWordMask))

Dim strMessage, i
strMessage = oExec.stdout.ReadLine()
i = i + 1
Loop While (Len(strMessage) = 0) And (i &lt; 5)

strErr = strMessage

End If

End If

End If

GetErrorString = vbCrLf &amp; "The error returned was: '" &amp; strErr &amp; "' " &amp; lErr &amp; " (0x" &amp; Hex(lErr) &amp; ")"

End Function

' Name: ScriptError
' Purpose: To generate a warning about a runtime script error.
' Parameters: strError The description of the error
' Returns: Nothing
Sub ScriptError(strError)

LogEvent EVENT_ID_SCRIPTERROR, EVENT_TYPE_WARNING, "encountered a runtime error." &amp; vbCrLf &amp; "Failed to " &amp; strError

End Sub

' Name: LogEvent
' Purpose: To generate a MOM event
' Parameters: lEventID The event code
' lEventType The severity of the event
' strMessage The message to include in the event
' Returns: Nothing
Sub LogEvent(lEventID, lEventType, strMessage)

Dim oEvent

On Error Resume Next

Set oEvent = ScriptContext.CreateEvent

oEvent.EventNumber = lEventID
oEvent.EventType = lEventType
oEvent.Message = "The script '" &amp; ScriptContext.Name &amp; "' running under processing rule '" &amp; ScriptContext.ProcessingRule.Name &amp; "' " &amp; strMessage

ScriptContext.Submit oEvent

End Sub

' Name: LogMessage
' Purpose: To log a message to ScriptContext and MOM's agent response log.
' Parameters: lLevel The debug level for this message i.e. trace,
' warning or error
' strMessage The message to write
' Returns: Nothing
Sub LogMessage(lLevel, strMessage)

If (lLevel &lt; DBG_NONE) Then

If (lLevel = DBG_ERROR) Then
ScriptContext.Echo "[Error]: " + strMessage
ElseIf (lLevel = DBG_WARNING) Then
ScriptContext.Echo "[Warning]: " + strMessage
ElseIf (lLevel = DBG_TRACE) Then
ScriptContext.Echo "[Trace]:" + strMessage
End If

End If

End Sub

' Name: OpenVarSet
' Purpose: Opens a varset file and reads the data from it, into g_oDictionary.
' Only one varset can be open at a single time. Opening a second
' varset will remove the first one. If the first one has not
' been saved then the changes will be lost.
' Parameters: None
' Returns: Nothing
Sub OpenVarSet()

Dim oFSO
Dim oTempFolder
Dim oFile

Set g_oDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If 0 &lt;&gt; Err Then
ScriptError "create Scripting.FileSystemObject." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Set oTempFolder = oFSO.GetSpecialFolder(2)

If 0 &lt;&gt; Err Then
ScriptError "find the Temp directory." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Set oFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(oTempFolder.Path &amp; "\" &amp; ScriptContext.Name &amp; ".VarSet", 1, True, -1)

If 0 &lt;&gt; Err Then
ScriptError "open the '" &amp; ScriptContext.Name &amp; ".VarSet' file in the Temp directory." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Do Until oFile.AtEndOfStream

Dim strLine, iBreak

strLine = oFile.ReadLine()
iBreak = Instr(strLine, vbTab)
g_oDictionary.Add Left(strLine, iBreak - 1), Mid(strLine, iBreak + 1)



End If

End If

End If

End Sub

' Name: SaveVarSet
' Purpose: Persistently stores the varset on disk, uses the temp directory.
' Parameters: None
' Returns: Nothing
Sub SaveVarSet()

Dim oFSO
Dim oTempFolder
Dim oFile

Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If 0 &lt;&gt; Err Then
ScriptError "create Scripting.FileSystemObject." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Set oTempFolder = oFSO.GetSpecialFolder(2)

If 0 &lt;&gt; Err Then
ScriptError "find the Temp directory." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Set oFile = oFSO.CreateTextFile(oTempFolder.Path &amp; "\" &amp; ScriptContext.Name &amp; ".VarSet", True, True)

If 0 &lt;&gt; Err Then
ScriptError "create the '" &amp; ScriptContext.Name &amp; ".VarSet' file in the Temp directory." &amp; GetErrorString(Err)

Dim aKeys, aItems, lIndex

aKeys = g_oDictionary.Keys
aItems = g_oDictionary.Items

For lIndex = 0 to g_oDictionary.Count - 1
oFile.WriteLine aKeys(lIndex) &amp; vbTab &amp; aItems(lIndex)


End If

End If

End If

Set g_oDictionary = nothing

End Sub

' Name: GetData
' Purpose: Retrieves data out of a varset. Uses the key to determine what
' data to retrieve.
' Parameters: strKey, the key of the data to retrieve
' Returns: String, the data to return or an empty string
Function GetData(strKey)

If g_oDictionary.Exists(strKey) Then
GetData = g_oDictionary.Item(strKey)
GetData = Empty
End If

End Function

' Name: SetData
' Purpose: To store data in a varset. If the key exists then the data
' associated with that key is replaced, otherwise the key/data
' combination is added to the varset.
' Parameters: strKey, the key of the line to replace
' Data, the data to associate with the key
' Returns: Nothing
Sub SetData(strKey, Data)

g_oDictionary.Item(strKey) = Data

End Sub

' Name: GetLastCrashDumpFolderCreateDate
' Purpose: Retrieves previously saved crash dump folder creation date out of
' a varset.
' Parameters: None
' Returns: String, the data to return or zero
Function GetLastCrashDumpFolderCreateDate()

GetLastCrashDumpFolderCreateDate = GetData(VAR_LAST_CRASH_DUMP_FOLDER_CREATE_DATE)

End Function

' Name: SetLastCrashDumpFolderCreateDate
' Purpose: Saves the specified crash dump folder creation date in a varset.
' If the key exists then the data associated with that key is
' replaced, otherwise the key/data combination is added to the
' varset.
' Parameters: Date, the crash dump folder creation date to save
' Returns: Nothing
Sub SetLastCrashDumpFolderCreateDate(Date)


End Sub</Script></Body>
<Name>SMS 2003 Monitor SMS Executive Crash Dumps</Name>
<Node ID="RunScriptAction"/>