SMS 2003 Perf Threshold: SMS SQL Connections > 500 over 2 hours

SMS_2003_Perf_Threshold__SMS_SQL_Connections___500_over_2_hours_9_Rule.AdvancedAlertCriteriaMonitor (UnitMonitor)

Knowledge Base article:


The total number of connections to the SMS site database has exceeded the standard operational threshold. If SMS processes are unable to obtain a SQL connection, standard SMS operations involving the SMS site database will be stopped. For example, this could prevent new inventory data from being added to the SMS site database or prevent new software distribution packages from being processed. Whether or not the situation worsens depends on the cause of the high number of connections.


The SMS site database connections can exceed the threshold because:


To resolve this issue and lower the SQL connections:


For more information about changing the number of SMS site database server connections, refer to your SQL Server product documentation.

For additional information about configuring connections in SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000, and about resolving error messages involving maximum connection limits, see article 320728 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

For more assistance, a list of additional support options is available in the support section of the SMS Web site at Support for Systems Management Server.


If this alert is generating too many false positives, you can modify the threshold tab of the rule properties to designate values more appropriate for your environment.

This alert is best handled by the SQL Server administrator in conjunction with the SMS administrator.

Element properties:

Parent MonitorDB
Alert GenerateTrue
Alert SeverityMatchMonitorHealth
Alert PriorityNormal
Alert Auto ResolveTrue
Monitor TypeSystem.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.PerformanceThreshold.ThreeStateMonitorType
Alert Message
SMS 2003 Perf Threshold: SMS SQL Connections > 500 over 2 hours

Source Code:

<UnitMonitor ID="SMS_2003_Perf_Threshold__SMS_SQL_Connections___500_over_2_hours_9_Rule.AdvancedAlertCriteriaMonitor" TypeID="MomBackwardCompatibility!System.Mom.BackwardCompatibility.PerformanceThreshold.ThreeStateMonitorType" Accessibility="Internal" Target="Microsoft.SMS.2003.SMS_Server_Class" Enabled="true" ParentMonitorID="DB" Comment="Mom2005ID='{ECF49FF9-5FDD-4D90-9273-6EC420D0FE29}'">
<AlertSettings AlertMessage="SMS_2003_Perf_Threshold__SMS_SQL_Connections___500_over_2_hours_9_Rule.AdvancedAlertCriteriaMonitor.StringResource">
<OperationalState HealthState="Success" MonitorTypeStateID="Success" ID="AlertLevelSuccess"/>
<OperationalState HealthState="Warning" MonitorTypeStateID="Warning" ID="AlertLevelWarning"/>
<OperationalState HealthState="Error" MonitorTypeStateID="Error" ID="AlertLevelError"/>
<ServerRole>SMS Server</ServerRole>