The Internet Group Management Protocol version 2 (IGMPv2) encountered an error in socket operation.
The most common reasons for this warning are:
The connection has been dropped, because of a network failure or because the system on the other end went down without notice.
The network subsystem has failed.
The Windows Socket Implementation was unable to allocate the needed resources for its internal operation.
Sample Event#1: IGMP was unable to receive an incoming messageon the local interface with IP address %1.The data is the error code.
Sample Event#2: IGMP was unable to send a packet from the interface with IP address %1to the IP address %2.The data is the error code.
Sample Event#3: Igmpv2 was unable to request notification of eventson the socket for the local interface with IP address %1.The data is the error code.
Sample Event#4: IGMP was unable to create a socket for the local interfacewith IP address %1.The data is the error code.
Sample Event#5: IGMP could not bind to port 520 on the socket forthe local interface with IP address %1.The data is the error code.
Sample Event#6: IGMP could not request multicasting on the local interfacewith IP address %1.The data is the error code.
Sample Event#7: IGMP could not set router alert option on the local interfacewith IP address %1.The data is the error code.
Sample Event#8: IGMP could not set the IP header include option on interfacewith IP address %1.The data is the error code.
If the server is low on memory, take appropriate action to increase the available memory. See Help and Support Center for information on low memory.
Stop and restart the Routing and Remote Access service.
If the problem persists, restart the server.
Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
Target | AP.Remote.Access.Class.VPNServer |
Category | EventCollection |
Enabled | True |
Alert Generate | False |
Remotable | True |
Event Log | System |
ID | Module Type | TypeId | RunAs |
DS | DataSource | Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider | Default |
WriteToDB | WriteAction | Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectEvent | Default |
<Rule ID="Socket_operation_failure_1_Rule" Enabled="true" Target="AP.Remote.Access.Class.VPNServer" ConfirmDelivery="true" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
<DataSource ID="DS" TypeID="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.EventProvider">
<XPathQuery Type="UnsignedInteger">EventDisplayNumber</XPathQuery>
<XPathQuery Type="String">PublisherName</XPathQuery>
<WriteAction ID="WriteToDB" TypeID="SystemCenter!Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectEvent"/>