| DisplayName | Description | ID | Base Class | Abstract | Hosted | Singleton | Group | Extension | Accessibility | ElementId |
| Microsoft FEP 2010 Data Warehouse | This is the FEP 2010 Data Warehouse database that is used by FEP 2010 to issue alerts and that is queried by reports for data. | Microsoft.Fep2010.Monitoring.FepDataWarehouse | System.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 80dc0f54-1eb4-8b42-2912-5a375ad4e9ba |
| Microsoft FEP 2010 Data Warehouse Container | This class verifies that the FEP 2010 Data Warehouse is accessible. | Microsoft.Fep2010.Monitoring.FepDataWarehouseContainer | System.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 6c84b4c5-2fda-e417-6087-e84f66828aa9 |
| Microsoft FEP 2010 Deployment | This FEP 2010 Deployment is used to roll up issues that arise in the different features of FEP 2010. | Microsoft.Fep2010.Monitoring.FepDeployment | System.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 89a8e56b-02f9-86ef-82de-bc5a7144ca70 |
| Microsoft FEP 2010 Service | Monitors security events from computers that are protected by Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection. | Microsoft.Fep2010.Monitoring.FepService | System.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 010d6481-9f20-9ce0-88b1-28e8525f1077 |
| Microsoft FEP 2010 Service Features | This class is used to track issues that exist only if the FEP 2010 Service is running. | Microsoft.Fep2010.Monitoring.FepServiceFeatures | System.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 171ddf77-d4ad-1346-528e-e3e2a668b617 |