| DisplayName | Description | ID | Base Class | Abstract | Hosted | Singleton | Group | Extension | Accessibility | ElementId |
| SQL Server Analysis Services Alerts Scope Group | SQL Server Analysis Services Alerts Scope Group contains SQL Server Analysis Services objects which can throw alerts. | Microsoft.SQLServer.AnalysisServices.Generic.Presentation.AlertsScopeGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 6fb91420-d2e8-fba1-0c5c-bfbb385e0ef6 |
| Analysis Services Database Group | Analysis Services Database Group contains all SQL Server root objects such as Analysis Services instance. | Microsoft.SQLServer.AnalysisServices.Generic.Presentation.DatabaseGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 733a2168-2bd0-11bc-c7a6-a318ce161b9e |
| Analysis Services Server Roles Group | Analysis Services Server Roles Group contains all SQL Server root objects such as Analysis Services instance. | Microsoft.SQLServer.AnalysisServices.Generic.Presentation.ServerRolesGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 903aaf9e-5bbe-ef56-4806-f67905269e67 |
| SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Group | This group contains Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability components | Microsoft.SQLServer.Generic.Presentation.AlwaysOnAvailabilityGroupsGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | cec68c7f-7048-ac28-571c-b2baf693a547 |
| SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Replicas Group | This group contains Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Replica components | Microsoft.SQLServer.Generic.Presentation.AlwaysOnAvailabilityReplicasGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 92791a16-dee7-c9ad-78f8-167c74d78494 |
| SQL Server AlwaysOn Database Replicas Group | This group contains Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn Database Replicas components | Microsoft.SQLServer.Generic.Presentation.AlwaysOnDatabaseReplicasGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | bb1b5aab-6fb2-29bc-19a0-46efa4c616fe |
| SQL Server AlwaysOn High Availability Group | This group contains Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability components | Microsoft.SQLServer.Generic.Presentation.AlwaysOnHighAvailabilityGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 8cab3c0f-b65d-b6a4-0537-0a596c6aa9a0 |
| SSAS Components Group | This object discovery populates the SQL Server Analysis Services Group with all components that relate to Analysis Services. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Generic.Presentation.ASInstanceGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | e33cf10a-ffae-3c52-ce56-27a7ac8392de |
| SQL Server Computers | This group contains all Windows computers that are running a component of Microsoft SQL Server | Microsoft.SQLServer.Generic.Presentation.ComputersGroup | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ComputerGroup | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 47a825e8-0321-9d94-fbb1-86213add7863 |
| SQL Server Mirroring Components | This group contains Microsoft SQL Server Mirroring components | Microsoft.SQLServer.Generic.Presentation.MirroringGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 6c482ed4-fb04-850f-c075-bc2e5c2d46f3 |
| SQL Server Mirroring Groups | This group contains Microsoft SQL Server Mirroring groups | Microsoft.SQLServer.Generic.Presentation.MirroringGroupsGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | bb4a365a-e90b-76e1-40ac-cbaa6baca298 |
| Replication Database Health Group | Replication Database Health Group is group of Replication Database Health objects | Microsoft.SQLServer.Generic.Presentation.ReplicationDatabaseHealthGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 6803e439-aefd-99a5-49d1-1e8df72ade75 |
| Server Roles Group | Server Roles Group contains all SQL Server root objects such as Database Engine, Analysis Services instance or Reporting Service instance. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Generic.Presentation.ServerRolesGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 9c8dd7ba-7c97-db67-d4fe-114215d1c159 |
| SQL Server Alerts Scope Group | SQL Server Alerts Scope Group contains SQL Server objects which can throw alerts. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Generic.Presentation.SQLServerAlertsScopeGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | bf6a7841-38e3-d7fc-667c-8f5a0a251fb6 |
| SQL Server DB Engine Group | This group containing all instances of Microsoft SQL Server database engines | Microsoft.SQLServer.Generic.Presentation.SQLServerInstanceGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 08b3e831-3fff-3939-8b11-3242118632ab |
| SQL Server Integration Services Group | This group containing all instances of Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services | Microsoft.SQLServer.Generic.Presentation.SQLServerIntegrationServicesGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 838729e6-db3a-de2f-c971-1a94d739c0a7 |
| SSRS: Deployment Group | This object discovery populates the Local Deployment group to contain all SQL Server Reporting Services Roles. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Generic.Presentation.SSRSDeploymentGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 9a5cc303-8451-80a0-c1e2-3537b28d6681 |
| SSRS: Instance Group | This object discovery populates the Local Instance group to contain all SQL Server Reporting Services Roles. | Microsoft.SQLServer.Generic.Presentation.SSRSInstanceGroup | System.Group | False | False | True | True | False | Public | b83b11d9-945f-7259-c11a-5ca582d15eb8 |