| DisplayName | Description | ID | Base Class | Abstract | Hosted | Singleton | Group | Extension | Accessibility | ElementId |
| MSSQL Reporting Services: Deployment | Reporting Services (native mode) support a scale-out deployment model that allows running multiple report server instances that share a single report server database. Scale-out deployments are used to increase scalability of report servers to handle more concurrent users and larger report execution loads. It can also be used to dedicate specific servers to process interactive or scheduled reports. | Microsoft.SQLServer.ReportingServices.Core.Deployment | System.Entity | False | False | False | False | False | Public | c0005c56-0001-3777-8d74-91fc3566e72b |
| MSSQL Reporting Services: Deployment Seed | It is a seed for Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (Native Mode) Deployment installation. This object indicates that Deployment exists within the managed environment. This object is unhosted and managed by SCOM Management Servers. | Microsoft.SQLServer.ReportingServices.Core.DeploymentSeed | System.Entity | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 5b935dfa-a383-f063-1308-8c3f5b791b11 |
| MSSQL Reporting Services: Deployment Watcher | Deployment Watcher is a hidden object, which is used as a target to run monitoring workflows for Deployment object. Deployment Watcher is an unhosted object. The server hosting SSRS Catalog Database is used to manage this object. If the server hosting the database has no agent installed, then one of SSRS servers will take responsibility of running the respective workflows. | Microsoft.SQLServer.ReportingServices.Core.DeploymentWatcher | System.Entity | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 362e3aa4-5262-7737-37b7-5d480f0fdcc1 |
| MSSQL Reporting Services: Event Log Collection Target | This object is used to collect module errors from event logs of computers that have Reporting Services components. | Microsoft.SQLServer.ReportingServices.Core.EventLogCollectionTarget | Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 4cc8d2ba-6aa7-f4a5-277d-3dc200971896 |
| MSSQL Reporting Services: Generic Instance | Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services generic instance. | Microsoft.SQLServer.ReportingServices.Core.Instance | System.Entity | True | False | False | False | False | Public | 6baaf347-b60d-ee43-a1c6-57a994a1d5ce |