| DisplayName | Description | ID | Base Class | Abstract | Hosted | Singleton | Group | Extension | Accessibility | ElementId |
 | Microsoft Azure ARM Service Resource | Class representing all Microsoft Azure ARM (Azure Resource Manager) service resources | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ArmResource | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ServiceResource | True | True | False | False | False | Public | 10e703f5-8fc7-5282-83c0-f6e30303d10f |
 | Microsoft Azure Service | Microsoft Azure service in resource group. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ArmService | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.AzureServiceGeneric | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 68cee39b-d35f-5b1d-8da8-ca413f1325c2 |
 | Microsoft Azure Generic Service | Class representing all Microsoft Azure Services. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.AzureServiceGeneric | System.Service | True | False | False | False | False | Public | 312463c2-4b40-1746-65da-c5fb16e95e46 |
 | Microsoft Azure Service Management Generic Service | Class representing all Microsoft Azure Service Management API services. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.AzureServiceRdfe | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.AzureServiceGeneric | True | False | False | False | False | Public | 1120871d-c3d7-0b17-00ea-cbefb703c0d8 |
 | Microsoft Azure Backup | Microsoft Azure backup. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Backup | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.CloudServiceResource | False | True | False | False | False | Public | d8b36ad4-5e66-f4ab-0ddd-1161d1fe3ef2 |
 | Microsoft Azure Cloud Service | Microsoft Azure cloud service. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.CloudService | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.AzureServiceRdfe | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 26b38897-cddf-08f6-a3a9-17ca3c37c6c3 |
 | Microsoft Azure Cloud Service Resource | Microsoft Azure cloud service resource. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.CloudServiceResource | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ServiceResource | True | True | False | False | False | Public | 50fdd392-67b0-a93c-abcf-709738585436 |
 | Cloud Services | Microsoft enterprise management manageability Azure services.. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.DA.AzureServices | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ServiceDesigner.ServiceComponentGroup | True | False | False | False | False | Public | 0b9a5776-fd4c-4a54-2049-9abbde599bb5 |
 | Client Perspective | Microsoft enterprise management manageability client perspective. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.DA.ClientPerspective | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ServiceDesigner.ServiceComponentGroup | True | False | False | False | False | Public | ec0bdea9-ad6d-5c44-ca46-2740d46f4944 |
 | Microsoft Azure Distributed Application | Microsoft Azure distributed application. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.DA.ServiceDeployment | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ServiceDesigner.GenericService | True | False | False | False | False | Public | 1cf1411c-11b8-adf8-f685-60d3302ba831 |
 | SQL Database | Microsoft enterprise management manageability SQL database. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.DA.SqlDatabases | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ServiceDesigner.ServiceComponentGroup | True | False | False | False | False | Public | 1496c4ea-3281-cbed-78e5-ce6d548ad026 |
 | Storage Account | Microsoft enterprise management manageability storage accounts. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.DA.StorageAccounts | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ServiceDesigner.ServiceComponentGroup | True | False | False | False | False | Public | 7b83532a-15b2-a424-1c9f-ec243dea5677 |
 | Dependency | Microsoft enterprise management manageability dependency. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Dependency | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ServiceDesigner.ServiceComponentGroup | True | False | False | False | False | Public | 08d6db44-14d2-25b1-1097-45491d352328 |
 | Manageability Function | Microsoft enterprise management manageability function. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Function | System.LogicalEntity | False | False | False | False | False | Public | f34e02b7-bf7d-7069-b6fc-db139003b79a |
 | Microsoft Azure Domain Name | Microsoft Azure domain name. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.GenericDomainName | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ArmService | False | True | False | False | False | Public | d2757a25-4298-7139-8a25-c527a46866f0 |
 | Microsoft Azure Role | Microsoft Azure role. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.GenericRole | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ArmResource | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 52a32dee-5d37-2dd2-c6af-ebb19bb7a908 |
 | Microsoft Azure Slot | Microsoft Azure slot. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.GenericSlot | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ArmResource | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 3be62905-4aad-6df4-837b-5e290c8f9c74 |
 | Microsoft Azure SQL Database | Microsoft Azure SQL database. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.GenericSqlDatabase | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ArmResource | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 5f8b3285-9118-9291-968e-46f1aaf380f0 |
 | Microsoft Azure Storage Account | Microsoft Azure storage account. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.GenericStorageAccount | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ArmService | False | True | False | False | False | Public | a4790ba5-e801-e099-a754-5caca6eb5ff8 |
 | Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine | Microsoft Azure virtual machine. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.GenericVirtualMachine | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ArmService | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 8650ceff-2989-f0f1-67c2-6860b01f74e1 |
 | Microsoft Azure Classic Virtual Machine | Microsoft Azure classic virtual machine. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.GenericVirtualMachine.Classic | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.GenericVirtualMachine | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 63f55897-3dbd-2b5f-2e21-740ad20322c7 |
 | Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine (Non-Classic) | Microsoft Azure virtual machine (non-classic). | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.GenericVirtualMachine.NonClassic | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.GenericVirtualMachine | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 36fed3fd-34df-9c9d-d14a-0f865f77ea00 |
 | All Microsoft Azure Monitored Resources | | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Group.AllAzureMonitoredResources | Microsoft.SystemCenter.InstanceGroup | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 430bcf2f-9d38-2226-7db6-74f515b2b1ef |
 | All Microsoft Azure Monitored Subscriptions | | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Group.AllAzureMonitoredSubscriptions | Microsoft.SystemCenter.InstanceGroup | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 9ccd7bc9-10ec-d54c-3ca0-0be9c111086b |
 | Microsoft Azure Resource Pool Computer Group | | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Group.ResourcePoolComputers | Microsoft.SystemCenter.InstanceGroup | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 16acb76e-f5d0-98ad-be88-0f6ffc08b821 |
 | Activity Log Alert | Microsoft Azure Insights Activity Log Alert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Insights.ActivityLogAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Insights.BaseRuleClass | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 77973073-3e89-7e13-17cf-b92ae38fd07c |
 | Microsoft Azure Insights Classic Alert Rule | Microsoft Azure Insights Classic Alert Rule | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Insights.AlertRule | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.AzureServiceGeneric | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 51c933e7-726b-28de-2290-4744203025a7 |
 | Microsoft Azure Insights Base Rule Class | Base class to represent Microsoft Azure Insights Activity Log Alerts and Scheduled Query Rules in SCOM | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Insights.BaseRuleClass | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.AzureServiceGeneric | True | True | False | False | False | Public | 78fc83c9-6142-7dd5-c95c-6c44bfc73f24 |
 | Metric Alert | Microsoft Azure Insights Metric Alert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Insights.MetricAlert | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.AzureServiceGeneric | False | True | False | False | False | Public | e9dd5be9-4bd3-b361-5e11-89fca1803ef9 |
 | Scheduled Query Rule | Microsoft Azure Insights Scheduled Query Rule | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Insights.ScheduledRule | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Insights.BaseRuleClass | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 03583a55-1ec4-3715-6d17-9489e8064be6 |
 | Microsoft Azure Media Service | Microsoft Azure media service. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.MediaService | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.AzureServiceRdfe | False | True | False | False | False | Public | a23b14fb-a4ba-770b-e753-3dd5a606b308 |
 | Microsoft Azure Mobile Service | Microsoft Azure mobile service. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.MobileService | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.AzureServiceRdfe | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 10c4bd16-cd6e-3ce7-5231-0fee7ec3d437 |
 | Remote Application | Remote application. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.RemoteApp | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.AzureServiceRdfe | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 784d809c-a42a-143c-5d09-696ec09cdc50 |
 | Microsoft Azure Resource Group | Microsoft Azure resource group. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ResourceGroup | System.LogicalEntity | False | True | False | False | False | Public | e2169e37-ff79-4877-5aff-987aaf0f9dbf |
 | Microsoft Azure Service Bus | Microsoft Azure service bus. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ServiceBus | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.AzureServiceRdfe | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 71156ddd-6e7e-36f1-60a0-3ff0aad4815f |
 | Microsoft Azure Service Resource | Microsoft Azure service resource. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ServiceResource | System.LogicalEntity | True | False | False | False | False | Public | 0aeb4f1b-89a0-e28a-be7d-2ef9cc84e9f3 |
 | Microsoft Azure Subscription | Microsoft Azure subscription. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Subscription | System.LogicalEntity | False | False | False | False | False | Public | c2259b56-654f-59c6-0e5a-ef8423c2a21e |
 | Manageability Test | Microsoft enterprise management manageability test. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Test | System.Perspective | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 8f03aba0-e1cf-3868-7f95-1d82f0453cb4 |
 | Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager | Microsoft Azure traffic manager. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.TrafficManager | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.AzureServiceRdfe | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 775442a7-66a2-2aa3-0008-b08aaf971879 |