| DisplayName | Description | ID | Base Class | Abstract | Hosted | Singleton | Group | Extension | Accessibility | ElementId |
| All Business Critical Windows 10 | All Business Critical Windows 10 OS Computer Systems (alerting enabled) | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win10.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ComputerGroup | False | False | True | True | False | Public | ba9e9181-e1ed-b8ea-d64a-d22b14373b6b |
| Windows 10 Computer | All instances of computers running Windows 10 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win10.Computer | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Computer | False | False | False | False | False | Public | aa91ae3c-8a8c-6787-6ce3-1060d30a0fda |
| Windows 10 Computer Group | A group containing all computers that are running a Windows 10 version of the Windows operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win10.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ComputerGroup | False | False | True | True | False | Public | b0dc600d-7eef-f130-93fd-2e9455e42b0c |
| Windows 10 Disk Partition | All instances of a disk partition on a Windows 10 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win10.DiskPartition | Microsoft.Windows.Client.DiskPartition | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 86bf867b-1e84-8179-e903-0d25e76f97db |
| Windows 10 Logical Disk | All instances of a logical disk on a Windows 10 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win10.LogicalDisk | Microsoft.Windows.Client.LogicalDisk | False | True | False | False | False | Public | ad33360d-409e-6f42-45b7-7d4a1c11b893 |
| Windows 10 Network Adapter | All instances of a network adapter on a Windows 10 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win10.NetworkAdapter | Microsoft.Windows.Client.NetworkAdapter | False | True | False | False | False | Public | bad71394-dc5b-d12c-f4cf-a3edf30b24bf |
| Windows 10 Operating System | All instances of Windows 10 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win10.OperatingSystem | Microsoft.Windows.Client.OperatingSystem | False | True | False | False | False | Public | f5ed8144-9773-7f12-016f-94c660b57fae |
| Windows 10 Physical Disk | All instances of a physical disk on a Windows 10 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win10.PhysicalDisk | Microsoft.Windows.Client.PhysicalDisk | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 016f1642-ea86-2090-d392-6f4692ed5c3a |
| Windows 10 Processor | All instances of a processor on a Windows 10 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win10.Processor | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Processor | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 744a64a3-0db9-4bed-3c65-758285bbd60a |