| DisplayName | Description | ID | Base Class | Abstract | Hosted | Singleton | Group | Extension | Accessibility | ElementId |
| All Business Critical Windows Client 8 | All Business Critical Windows Client 8 OS Computer Systems (alerting enabled) | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ComputerGroup | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 53c42d20-3217-d02e-4c35-afb97357e752 |
| Windows Client 8 Computer | All instances of computers running the Windows Client 8 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Computer | False | False | False | False | False | Public | 9a96c0fe-6e5c-7793-47ad-0f94325c4abd |
| Windows Client 8 Computer Group | A group containing all computers that are running a Windows Client 8 version of the Windows operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ComputerGroup | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 3021987b-24ad-2b47-b52d-125ea7ceac6c |
| Windows Client 8 Disk Partition | All instances of a disk partition on a Windows Client 8 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.DiskPartition | Microsoft.Windows.Client.DiskPartition | False | True | False | False | False | Public | eba5a02a-d7ad-5c30-10c7-bb315d38cf66 |
| Windows Client 8 Logical Disk | All instances of a logical disk on a Windows Client 8 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk | Microsoft.Windows.Client.LogicalDisk | False | True | False | False | False | Public | e6f434b8-f39c-80c9-d0ef-9beb5c20890e |
| Windows Client 8 Network Adapter | All instances of a network adapter on a Windows Client 8 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.NetworkAdapter | Microsoft.Windows.Client.NetworkAdapter | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 1f794958-ca4d-04d8-c63c-12bc723202b8 |
| Windows Client 8 Operating System | All instances of the Windows Client 8 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem | Microsoft.Windows.Client.OperatingSystem | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 170d6bd8-1cd7-5656-0b01-2c579018fe39 |
| Windows Client 8 Physical Disk | All instances of a physical disk on a Windows Client 8 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk | Microsoft.Windows.Client.PhysicalDisk | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 50a226e7-2620-f51c-41e3-d0a4ee774cef |
| Windows Client 8 Processor | All instances of a processor on a Windows Client 8 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Processor | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Processor | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 8c953499-9e58-44f2-9371-45cba2b53334 |