| DisplayName | Description | ID | Base Class | Abstract | Hosted | Singleton | Group | Extension | Accessibility | ElementId |
| Windows Server 2000 Computer | All instances of computers running the Windows Server 2000 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.2000.Computer | Microsoft.Windows.Server.Computer | False | False | False | False | False | Public | e796cfcb-387a-02b3-6173-c91a1ae4bb93 |
| Windows Server 2000 Computer Group | A group containing all computers that are running a Windows 2000 Server version of the Windows operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.2000.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ComputerGroup | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 58107b8a-99fc-0f52-577a-b17888f7c286 |
| Windows Server 2000 Disk Partition | All instances of a disk partition on a Windows 2000 Server operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.2000.DiskPartition | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DiskPartition | False | True | False | False | False | Public | a81414c7-dc1c-1334-7291-369e6e529f90 |
| Windows Server 2000 Logical Disk | All instances of a logical disk on a Windows 2000 Server operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.2000.LogicalDisk | Microsoft.Windows.Server.LogicalDisk | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 46b522b4-3875-cd8b-f92c-c19b6da979cb |
| Windows Server 2000 Network Adapter | All instances of a network adapter on a Windows 2000 Server operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.2000.NetworkAdapter | Microsoft.Windows.Server.NetworkAdapter | False | True | False | False | False | Public | c39f204c-eb75-6fe8-4daa-0d3d8276595d |
| Windows Server 2000 Operating System | All instances of the Windows Server 2000 operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.2000.OperatingSystem | Microsoft.Windows.Server.OperatingSystem | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 17479032-75ab-2e1b-c5b2-94de86e691d5 |
| Windows Server 2000 Physical Disk | All instances of a physical disk on a Windows 2000 Server operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.2000.PhysicalDisk | Microsoft.Windows.Server.PhysicalDisk | False | True | False | False | False | Public | d9ad6ffa-8be1-948e-da00-e802c797cc27 |
| Windows Server 2000 Processor | All instances of a processor on a Windows 2000 Server operating system. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.2000.Processor | Microsoft.Windows.Server.Processor | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 18153b52-8e74-88c3-041f-edd3c0c473c7 |