| DisplayName | Description | ID | Base Class | Abstract | Hosted | Singleton | Group | Extension | Accessibility | ElementId |
| Enterprise Application - Availability | The top-level collection within an Enterprise Application containing availability monitors and/or groups of availability monitors. | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.Availability | System.LogicalEntity | True | False | False | False | False | Public | 75d99e84-63f4-f5d9-95af-54bbf5c61c40 |
| Enterprise Application Availability Monitoring Node | Machine which hosts one or more Application availability tests. | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.AvailabilityMonitoring.MonitoringNode | Microsoft.Windows.ComputerRole | False | True | False | False | False | Public | c71fb6c7-3044-02af-19e2-b4511a130c4b |
| Enterprise Application Availability Test (Base) | Base class that all Enterprise Application Availability Tests derive from. | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.AvailabilityMonitoring.Watcher | System.Perspective | True | True | False | False | False | Public | 954614bf-a4bb-ef0e-90e0-98df9d98b210 |
| Enterprise Application Availability Monitoring Test (Custom) | Runs a test to measure application availability using a custom script. | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.AvailabilityMonitoring.Watcher.Custom | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.AvailabilityMonitoring.Watcher | False | True | False | False | False | Public | e71a9e9f-af24-b06b-f879-a26ba7470d2d |
| Enterprise Application Availability Monitoring Test (TCP) | Runs a test to measure application availability using a TCP connection test. | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.AvailabilityMonitoring.Watcher.TCP | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.AvailabilityMonitoring.Watcher | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 8b566e0d-03be-2185-c45f-d1680e80dc1c |
| Enterprise Application Availability Monitoring Test (Web) | Runs a test to measure application availability using a web (HTTP) request. | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.AvailabilityMonitoring.Watcher.Web | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.AvailabilityMonitoring.Watcher | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 7f9f0318-15d4-98d6-fc49-cd93be644ffd |
| Enterprise Application - Dependencies | The top-level collection within an Enterprise Application containing objects upon which it depends. | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.Dependencies | System.LogicalEntity | True | False | False | False | False | Public | 5befa243-bd3e-db7c-3325-8c72a49e4f2c |
| Enterprise Application Dependency Monitoring | Instances of this class are hosted on Windows Computer objects to contain any dependency monitoring for Enterprise applications. | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.DependenciesNode | System.LogicalEntity | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 6f224d97-77fc-fcbd-18e6-bad527e68567 |
| Enterprise Application (Base) |
A base class for all Enterprise Application classes. Use a versioned subclass to create new instances.
| SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.EnterpriseApplication.Base | System.Service | True | False | False | False | False | Public | dbdf6fef-148b-cf9f-2758-9592f7fab002 |
| Enterprise Application (v1) |
The top-level object that represents an application. It contains collections for availability monitoring, component map, and dependencies.
The object's health is only determined by the availability monitoring. (version 1)
| SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.EnterpriseApplication.v1 | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.EnterpriseApplication.Base | True | False | False | False | False | Public | e090ac57-1337-9013-43a1-772452b02c71 |
| Enterprise Application - Existing Availability | A collection under the top-level Availability collection within an Enterprise Application containing existing availability monitors. | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.ExistingAvailability | System.LogicalEntity | False | False | False | False | False | Public | d24428ef-00aa-f23b-2495-19e7d629e9ca |
| Enterprise Application - Map | The top-level collection within an Enterprise Application containing the groups of components and hosting objects of which it comprises as created by Squared Up Visual Application Discovery & Analysis. | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.Map | System.LogicalEntity | True | False | False | False | False | Public | 1ec7872b-023e-f2ad-bd4a-63fdd9c3efb1 |
| Enterprise Application - MapGroup | A single group of components and hosting objects within the map collection of an Enterprise Application as created by Squared Up Visual Application Discovery & Analysis. | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.MapGroup | System.LogicalEntity | True | False | False | False | False | Public | fcbfd3b2-4b9d-592c-a00d-81c999b8427c |
| Enterprise Application Windows Service Monitoring Configuration |
Instances of this class are hosted on Dependency Monitoring objects to configure service
monitoring from the computer hosting that Dependency Monitoring object.
The health state of this object is used to colour the service healthy in the Squared Up "Map" perspective.
| SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.NTServiceMonitor.Configuration | System.Perspective | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 4c96fd07-80f9-ac37-525a-ca25b35b9e1a |
| Enterprise Application TCP Monitoring Configuration |
Instances of this class are hosted on Dependency Monitoring objects to configure TCP connection
monitoring from the computer hosting that Dependency Monitoring object to the specified target
address and port. The health state of this object is used to colour the links between computers
in the Squared Up "Map" perspective.
| SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Class.TcpMonitor.Configuration | System.Perspective | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 64ee9dc1-0509-1bca-4151-573285cf19d5 |
| All EAM Availability Test Groups | Groups that can used as EA availability test clients. Populated with all groups prefixed with 'EAM_'. | SquaredUp.EAM.Library.Group.AvailabilityMonitoring.AllEAMTestGroups | Microsoft.SystemCenter.InstanceGroup | False | False | True | True | False | Public | cd57948a-178a-5f3b-8382-1873c34d41ae |