| DisplayName | Description | ID | Base Class | Abstract | Hosted | Singleton | Group | Extension | Accessibility | ElementId |
| Veritas Cluster Health State | Group to be used to show overall health of VCS in graph view. | Symantec.VCS.Health.State.Group | Microsoft.SystemCenter.InstanceGroup | False | False | True | True | False | Public | 89202199-adfb-be20-daed-57f3c57148cf |
| VCS Resources | Class to represent VCS Resource | Symantec.VCS.Resource | Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | f4ee2064-69dc-0ca1-1e1b-164d28b208e9 |
| VCS Node | Class to represent VCS Server | Symantec.VCS.ServerNode | Microsoft.Windows.LocalApplication | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 19786e5a-bc0b-f579-2610-dfc8aa7523cd |
| VCS Service Groups | Class to represent VCS Service Group | Symantec.VCS.ServiceGroup | Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationComponent | False | True | False | False | False | Public | 3088c216-2316-8ffd-b8af-519969b958b7 |
| All computers with VCS installed or VCSComm service configured | This computer group represents all Servers where VCS is installed, or VCSComm service is configured. | Symantec.VCS_VCSComm.Servers.Group | Microsoft.SystemCenter.InstanceGroup | False | False | True | True | False | Public | c041dc87-1881-2f94-b83e-1fc5478c4f12 |