All Console Tasks in Dell.SoSSE Management Pack

Dell.SoSSE.AcknowledgeAlarmAcknowledge a Spotlight AlarmFor some alarms you might want to know that the alarm was raised, even after the severity returns to normal. These alarms are set to require acknowledgement or a form of action from the person monitoring the connections conditions.Dell.SoSSE.AcknowledgeAlarmDell.SoSSE.Alarms\%windir\%\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe1PublicTrue
Dell.SoSSE.LaunchSpotlightLaunch Spotlight on SQL Server EnterpriseLaunches the Dell Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise client if it is installed on the SCOM host.Dell.SoSSE.LaunchSpotlightDell.SoSSE.DiagnosticServers\%windir\%\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe1PublicTrue
Dell.SoSSE.SnoozeAlarmSnooze / Unsnooze a Spotlight AlarmIf an alarm is snoozed, no alarm actions are performed until the alarms become active again.Dell.SoSSE.SnoozeAlarmDell.SoSSE.Alarms"\%windir\%\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe"1PublicTrue