| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Application | WorkingDirectory | isRequireOutput | Accessibility | Enabled |
| Access TMG command-line tools |
This task opens a command prompt at the directory containing TMG command-line tools. It assumes that the TMG Server Administrator console has been installed on the operators computer.
| Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.AccessISACommandLineTools1 | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.ServerRole | cmd.exe | \%ProgramFiles\%\Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway | 0 | Internal | True |
| Access TMG command-line tools | This task opens a command prompt at the directory containing TMG command-line tools. It assumes that the TMG Server Administrator console has been installed on the operators computer. | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.AccessISACommandLineTools2 | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.ServerComponent | cmd.exe | \%ProgramFiles\%\Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway | 0 | Internal | True |
| Access TMG command-line tools | This task opens a command prompt at the directory containing TMG command-line tools. It assumes that the TMG Server Administrator console has been installed on the operators computer. | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.AccessISACommandLineTools4 | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.Group.Enterprises | cmd.exe | \%ProgramFiles\%\Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway | 0 | Internal | True |
| Forefront TMG Server Capacity Planner web site | Launch IE to the Microsoft Forefront TMG Capacity Planner web site. | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.ForefrontTMGCapacityPlannerwebsite1 | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.ServerRole | iexplore.exe | | 0 | Internal | True |
| Forefront TMG Server Capacity Planner web site | Launch IE to the Microsoft Forefront TMG Capacity Planner web site. | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.ForefrontTMGCapacityPlannerwebsite2 | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.ServerComponent | iexplore.exe | | 0 | Internal | True |
| Forefront TMG Server Capacity Planner web site | Launch IE to the Microsoft Forefront TMG Capacity Planner web site. | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.ForefrontTMGCapacityPlannerwebsite4 | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.Group.Enterprises | iexplore.exe | | 0 | Internal | True |
| Forefront TMG Server web site | Launch IE to the Microsoft Forefront TMG web site. | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.ForefrontTMGWebsite1 | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.ServerRole | iexplore.exe | | 0 | Internal | True |
| Forefront TMG Server web site | Launch IE to the Microsoft Forefront TMG web site. | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.ForefrontTMGWebsite2 | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.ServerComponent | iexplore.exe | | 0 | Internal | True |
| Forefront TMG Server web site | Launch IE to the Microsoft Forefront TMG web site. | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.ForefrontTMGWebsite4 | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.Group.Enterprises | iexplore.exe | | 0 | Internal | True |
| Launch TMG Server Manager Console | Start the TMG Server Manager console on the Operator's desktop.It assumes that the TMG Server Administrator console has been installed on the operators computer. | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.LaunchTMGManagerConsole1 | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.ServerRole | \%windir\%\system32\mmc.exe | \%ProgramFiles\%\Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway | 0 | Internal | True |
| Launch TMG Server Manager Console |
Start the TMG Server Manager console on the Operator's desktop. It assumes that the TMG Server Administrator console has been installed on the operators computer.
| Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.LaunchTMGManagerConsole2 | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.ServerComponent | \%windir\%\system32\mmc.exe | \%ProgramFiles\%\Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway | 0 | Internal | True |
| Launch TMG Server Manager Console | Start the TMG Server Manager console on the Operator's desktop. It assumes that the TMG Server Administrator console has been installed on the operators computer. | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.LaunchTMGManagerConsole4 | Microsoft.Forefront.TMG.Group.Enterprises | \%windir\%\system32\mmc.exe | \%ProgramFiles\%\Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway | 0 | Internal | True |