All DataSource Modules in Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring Management Pack

Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.ScheduleModule.AveragePerformance.BelowThreshold.DataSourceAmalga: Schedule Module - Performance Below Threshold - Data SourceWhen configuring the Days Of Week Mask in the monitor, you can determine the appropriate value by using the following values for each day of the week: Su-1, M-2, T-4, W-8, Th-16, F-32, Sa-64. Just add the values for the days you want the monitor to run. If you want all days of the week, they will add up to 127. If you just want Sunday, the value is 1. Just Tuesday and Thursday would be 20. M-F is 62.Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.ScheduleModule.AveragePerformance.BelowThreshold.DataSourceDataSourceModuleTypeAnyPublic
Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.ScheduleModule.Performance.Collector.DataSourceSchedule Module Performance Collector Data SourceWhen configuring the Days Of Week Mask in the monitor, you can determine the appropriate value by using the following values for each day of the week: Su-1, M-2, T-4, W-8, Th-16, F-32, Sa-64. Just add the values for the days you want the monitor to run. If you want all days of the week, they will add up to 127. If you just want Sunday, the value is 1. Just Tuesday and Thursday would be 20. M-F is 62. Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.ScheduleModule.Performance.Collector.DataSourceDataSourceModuleTypeAnyPublic