All Discoveries in Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.Wcf Management Pack

Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.Wcf.IIS2008.DiscoveryIIS WCF Web Service Discovery RuleDiscovery rule used to find WCF Services deployed to IIS. The default pattern used by the discovery is to look for .svc files in the virtual directory, if any are found a WCF Service endpoint will be created. To specify additional file types that represent a WCF service override the AdditionalExtensions property and provide a semi-colon (;) delimited list of file extensions. An example of a new file extension list string is "foo;bar" that specifies files such as and represent WCF Services.Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.Wcf.IIS2008.DiscoveryMicrosoft.SystemCenter.Apm.ApmAgentTrue14400False