| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Enabled | Frequency | Remotable |
| AD Remote Topology Discovery | Performs the AD Connection Object Discovery. Runs on all managed DCs | Microsoft.AD.Remote.Topology.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.2000.AD.DomainControllerRole | True | 86400 | False |
| Populate AD Server 2000 DCGroup | Adds all AD Server 2000 managed objects to group | Microsoft.Windows.Server.2000.AD.DomainControllerComputerGroup.ComputerGroupDiscovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.2000.AD.DomainControllerComputerGroup | True | 0 | False |
| AD DC Local Discovery (DC Role) | Performs the local discovery of the AD DC Server 2000 Computer Role | Microsoft.Windows.Server.2000.AD.DomainControllerRole.DCDiscovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DC.Computer | True | 86400 | False |
| License Discovery for Microsoft Windows Server AD | | Microsoft.Windows.Server.2000.AD.EnterpriseLicense.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.2000.AD.DomainControllerRole | True | 0 | False |