| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Enabled | Frequency | Remotable |
| Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 2008, and 2008 R2 DNS Server Discovery | Disabled by default. Can be enabled to discover and monitor earlier versions of Windows DNS. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.2003.2008.2008R2.DNS.Server.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.Computer | False | 14400 | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS DNS Domain Discovery | Populates the DNS Domain Distributed Application | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.DNSDomain.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Zone | True | 14700 | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS Forwarder Conditional Discovery | Discovers Conditional Forwarders | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Forwarder.Conditional.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server | True | 14460 | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS Forwarder Unconditional Discovery | Discovers Unconditional Forwarders | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Forwarder.Unconditional.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server | True | 14520 | False |
| Windows DNS Server 2003 Group Discovery | Group Populator for Windows 2003 DNS Servers | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server.2003.Group.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server.2003.Group | True | 0 | False |
| Windows DNS Server 2008 Group Discovery | Group Populator for Windows 2008 DNS Servers | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server.2008.Group.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server.2008.Group | True | 0 | False |
| Windows DNS Server 2008 R2 Group Discovery | Group Populator for Windows 2008 R2 DNS Servers | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server.2008R2.Group.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server.2008R2.Group | True | 0 | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS Server 2012 Group Discovery | Group Populator for Windows 2012 DNS Servers | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server.2012.Group.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server.2012.Group | True | 0 | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS Server 2012 R2 Group Discovery | Group Populator for Windows 2012 R2 DNS Servers | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server.2012R2.Group.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server.2012R2.Group | True | 0 | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS Server Discovery | Discovers only Windows 2012 DNS Servers. | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.Computer | True | 14400 | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS Server Property Discovery | Discovers additional properties of the DNS server | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server.Property.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server | True | 14580 | False |
| Signed Zone Group Discovery | | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.SignedZone.Group.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.SignedZone.Group | True | 0 | False |
| Windows Sever 2012 R2 DNS Trust Points Discovery | This workflow discovers all DNS Trust points all Windows Server 2012 R2 | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.TrustPoint.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server | False | 15000 | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS WINS Discovery | Discovers WINS integrated zones | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.WINS.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Zone | True | 14760 | False |
| Microsoft Windows Server DNS Zone Discovery | Discovers zones on the local DNS server | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Zone.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Server | True | 14640 | False |
| DNS Zone Is Signed Property Discovery | | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Zone.IsSignedProperty.Discovery | Microsoft.Windows.Server.DNS.Zone | False | 15000 | False |