All Discoveries in NiCE.Active.O365.Library Management Pack

NiCE.Active.O365.O365.DiscoveryNiCE Active 365 DiscoveryThis discovery rules discovers the NiCE Active 365 BaseClass. Target is the "NiCE Active 365 Monitoring Resource Pool" which contains one or more server. Each server is probed for an existing "ProgramData\%\NiCE\conf\nice_base.env" file, indicating the collector is installed. To troubleshoot, please set an "TRUE" override on the "Tracing" parameter. Details of the trace are logged to the Operations Manager Event Log as in the "NiCE 365 - MicrosoftService" SourceNiCE.Active.O365.O365.DiscoveryNiCE.Active.O365.MonitoringResourcePoolTrue14400False
NiCE.Active.O365.Tenant.DiscoveryNiCE Active 365 Tenant DiscoveryThis discovery rules discovers the NiCE Active 365 Tenant Class. It targets all servers in the "NiCE Active 365 Monitoring Resource Pool" with collectors installed and analyses the m365mp_instance.cfg file for configured tenants. Hence this file needs to be updated, before this discovery returns correct information.NiCE.Active.O365.Tenant.DiscoveryNiCE.Active.O365.O365True14400False