| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Enabled | Frequency | Remotable |
| Component Membership Discovery | This discovery will find which Objects are members of this Component. | SC_2d8200baec414525b8c3d4255531d828_Service_0e0d2748cc9f424d916acb79f09ad558_ItemPopulation | SC_2d8200baec414525b8c3d4255531d828_Service_0e0d2748cc9f424d916acb79f09ad558 | True | 0 | False |
| Component Membership Discovery | This discovery will find which Objects are members of this Component. | SC_697e0f6b0da54cc682b6ab55cb2e890b_Service_0e0d2748cc9f424d916acb79f09ad558_ItemPopulation | SC_697e0f6b0da54cc682b6ab55cb2e890b_Service_0e0d2748cc9f424d916acb79f09ad558 | True | 0 | False |
| Distributed Application Membership Discovery | This discovery will find which Components are members of this Distributed Application. | Service_0e0d2748cc9f424d916acb79f09ad558_SCPopulation | Service_0e0d2748cc9f424d916acb79f09ad558 | True | 0 | False |
| SLD Sample - Microsoft.com Discovery | Discovery rule for SLD Sample - Microsoft.com | WebApplication_0483fe36bf634410b82439dea0bd071a.Discovery.Rule | Microsoft.Windows.Computer | False | 0 | False |
| SLD Sample - Microsoft.com Group Discovery | Discovery for group of SLD Sample - Microsoft.com | WebApplication_0483fe36bf634410b82439dea0bd071aGroup.Discovery.Rule | WebApplication_0483fe36bf634410b82439dea0bd071aGroup | True | 0 | False |
| SLD Sample - Microsoft.com Watcher Group Discovery | Discovery for SLD Sample - Microsoft.com watcher computers | WebApplication_0483fe36bf634410b82439dea0bd071aWatcherComputersGroup.Discovery.Rule | WebApplication_0483fe36bf634410b82439dea0bd071aWatcherComputersGroup | True | 0 | False |
| MSN.com Discovery | Discovery rule for MSN.com | WebApplication_f1d85360514d4ab186152ac3744afc97.Discovery.Rule | Microsoft.Windows.Computer | False | 0 | False |
| MSN.com Group Discovery | Discovery for group of MSN.com | WebApplication_f1d85360514d4ab186152ac3744afc97Group.Discovery.Rule | WebApplication_f1d85360514d4ab186152ac3744afc97Group | True | 0 | False |
| MSN.com Watcher Group Discovery | Discovery for MSN.com watcher computers | WebApplication_f1d85360514d4ab186152ac3744afc97WatcherComputersGroup.Discovery.Rule | WebApplication_f1d85360514d4ab186152ac3744afc97WatcherComputersGroup | True | 0 | False |