| DisplayName | Description | ID | ImageID |
| Manage Affiliation | | CreateAffilicationToUserTask | ItamFolder16x16 |
| Create Company | Create Company | CreateCompanyTask | CreateCompanyTask16x16 |
| Create Contact | Create Contact | CreateContactTask | ServiceManager.ConfigurationManagement.Library.Image.User |
| Create Cost Center | Create Cost Center | CreateCostCenterTask | CreateCostCenterTask16x16 |
| Create Disposal Agreement | Create Disposal Agreement | CreateDisposalContractTask | CreateDisposalContractTask16x16 |
| Create Lease Agreement | Create Lease Agreement | CreateLeaseTask | CreateLeaseTask16x16 |
| Create Location | Create Location | CreateLocationTask | CreateLocationTask16x16 |
| Create Organization | Create Organization | CreateOrganizationTask | CreateOrganizationTask16x16 |
| Create Provance Notification | Create Provance Notification | CreateSheduledNotificationSubscriptionTask | AllSheduledNotificationSubscriptionsView16x16 |
| Create Hardware Maintenance and Support Agreement | Create Hardware Maintenance and Support Agreement | CreateSupportContractTask | CreateSupportContractTask16x16 |
| Create User Defined Agreement | Create User Defined Agreement | CreateUserDefinedAgreementTask | CreateUserDefinedAgreementTask16x16 |
| Export Data | Export Data | GenericExtractDataTask | ProvanceLogo16x16 |
| Properties | View or configure the global provance properties. | GlobalAdministrationSettingsTask | Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.UI.Console.Image.Properties |
| Contacts | | ItamAdministrationContactsFolder | Contact48x48 |
| Cost Centers | | ItamAdministrationCostCentersFolder | CostCenter48x48 |
| Administration | | ItamAdministrationFolder | ItamAdministrationFolder48x48 |
| Locations | | ItamAdministrationLocationsFolder | ItamAdministrationLocationsFolder48x48 |
| Organizations | | ItamAdministrationOrganizationsFolder | ItamAdministrationOrganizationsFolder48x48 |
| Companies | | ItamCompaniesFolder | ItamCompaniesFolder32x32 |
| Disposal Agreements | | ItamContractManagementDisposalContractsFolder | ItamContractManagementContractFolder48x48 |
| Contract Management | | ItamContractManagementFolder | ItamContractManagementFolder48x48 |
| Lease Agreements | | ItamContractManagementLeasesFolder | ItamContractManagementContractFolder48x48 |
| Hardware Maintenance & Support Agreements | | ItamContractManagementSupportContractsFolder | ItamContractManagementContractFolder48x48 |
| User Defined Agreements | | ItamContractManagementUserDefinedAgreementsFolder | ItamContractManagementContractFolder48x48 |
| Warranty Agreements | | ItamContractManagementWarrantiesFolder | ItamContractManagementContractFolder48x48 |
| IT Asset Management | | ItamFolder | ItamFolder16x16 |
| IT Asset Management | | ItamNavigationPaneButton | ItamNavigationPaneButton24x24 |
| Properties | View or configure the properties and rules | MaintainContractAdminSettingsTask | Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.UI.Console.Image.Properties |
| Agreement | Defines the basic properties of Agreement | Provance.ITAM.Agreement | ItamClass16x16 |
| Alert Item | Defines the basic properties of Alert Item | Provance.ITAM.AlertItem | ItamClass16x16 |
| Base Currency | Base Currency | Provance.ITAM.BaseCurrency | ItamClass16x16 |
| Company | Defines the basic properties of Company | Provance.ITAM.Company | ItamClass16x16 |
| Contact | Defines the basic properties of Contact | Provance.ITAM.Contact | ItamClass16x16 |
| Contract | Defines the basic properties of Contract | Provance.ITAM.Contract | ItamClass16x16 |
| Provance Contract Administration Settings | Settings for contracts, such as contract expiry thresholds | Provance.ITAM.ContractAdminSettings | ItamClass16x16 |
| Cost Center | Defines the basic properties of Cost Center | Provance.ITAM.CostCenter | ItamClass16x16 |
| Cost Event | Defines the basic properties of Cost Event | Provance.ITAM.CostEvent | ItamClass16x16 |
| Currency | Currency | Provance.ITAM.Currency | ItamClass16x16 |
| Data Export Property Item | Defines the basic properties of Data Export Property Item | Provance.ITAM.DataExportPropertyItem | ItamClass16x16 |
| Data Export Template | Defines the basic properties of Data Export Template | Provance.ITAM.DataExportTemplate | ItamClass16x16 |
| Disposal Agreement | Defines the basic properties of Disposal Agreement | Provance.ITAM.DisposalAgreement | ItamClass16x16 |
| Disposal Contract | Defines the basic properties of Disposal Contract | Provance.ITAM.DisposalContract | ItamClass16x16 |
| Provance Global Administration Settings | Settings applicable to the entire management pack, such as currencies in use and their exchange rates | Provance.ITAM.GlobalAdministrationSettings | ItamClass16x16 |
| ITAM Core Workflow Target | ITAM Core Workflow Target | Provance.ITAM.ItamCoreWorkflowTarget | ItamClass16x16 |
| Lease Agreement | Defines the basic properties of Lease Agreement | Provance.ITAM.LeaseAgreement | ItamClass16x16 |
| Lease Schedule | Defines the basic properties of Lease Schedule | Provance.ITAM.LeaseContract | ItamClass16x16 |
| Location | Defines the basic properties of Location | Provance.ITAM.Location | ItamClass16x16 |
| Milestone | Defines the basic properties of Milestone | Provance.ITAM.Milestone | ItamClass16x16 |
| Organization | Defines the basic properties of Organization | Provance.ITAM.Organization | ItamClass16x16 |
| Scheduled Notification Subscription | Defines the basic properties of Scheduled Notification Subscription | Provance.ITAM.SheduledNotificationSubscription | ItamClass16x16 |
| Hardware Maintenance & Support Agreement | Defines the basic properties of Hardware Maintenance & Support Agreement | Provance.ITAM.SupportAgreement | ItamClass16x16 |
| Hardware Maintenance & Support Contract | Defines the basic properties of Hardware Maintenance & Support Contract | Provance.ITAM.SupportContract | ItamClass16x16 |
| URI Attachment | Defines the basic properties of URI Attachment | Provance.ITAM.URIAttachment | ItamClass16x16 |
| User Defined Agreement | Defines the basic properties of a User Defined Agreement | Provance.ITAM.UserDefinedAgreement | ItamClass16x16 |
| Warranty Agreement | Defines the basic properties of Warranty Agreement | Provance.ITAM.WarrantyAgreement | ItamClass16x16 |
| Warranty Contract | Defines the basic properties of Warranty Contract | Provance.ITAM.WarrantyContract | ItamClass16x16 |
| View Parent Lease Agreement | View Parent Lease Agreement | ViewParentLeaseTask | CreateLeaseTask16x16 |
| View Related Company | View Related Company Information | ViewRelatedCompanyTask | ViewRelatedCompanyTask16x16 |