All Linked Reports in Comtrade.Citrix.XenApp.And.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports Management Pack

Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.DGFailedConnectionsDelivery Group - Failed Connections This report displays the number of failed connections on delivery groups, summarized by Failure Types and Failure Reasons. Report can be run using the automatic, 5 minutes, hourly and daily data scales. Automatic setting displays failed connections aggregated as daily if reporting range is longer than 2 days, hourly if reporting range is less or equal 2 days and more than 5 hours and as 5 minutes if it is less than 5 hours. Connection failure types: -Client Connection Failures: Failures due to the inability of the client side to complete the session connection. For example, connection timed out, server was not reachable. -Machine Failures: Connection failures that are the result of the machine being in a failed state or failure to start up or respond. -Unavailable Capacity: Failures due to the configured capacity of a particular delivery group having been completely consumed. For example, too many users logged into a Server Desktop OS delivery group or a user accessing a Pooled Random delivery group while all the machines in the delivery group are already assigned to other users. -Unavailable Licenses: Failures that occur when the delivery controller is unable to acquire a license from the license server to launch the session. -Configuration Errors: Failures caused by configuration errors. For example, an administrator places a Delivery Group or a particular machine in Maintenance mode. Connection failure reasons: -Session Preparation: Session prepare request from Broker service to VDA failed. -Registration Timeout: VDA did not register in time after being powered on for session launch. -Connection Timeout: Client did not connect to VDA after VDA was prepared for session launch. -Licensing: License request failed (typically no license available). -Ticketing: Failure during ticketing, indicating that the client connection to VDA does not match the brokered request. -Other: General unresolved errors between client and VDI. -General Fail: General unresolved errors during initial brokering operation. -Maintenance Mode: Machine or delivery group in maintenance mode. -Application Disabled: Application can no longer be used and has been disabled by the admin. -License Feature Refused: Feature being used is not licensed (e.g. license doesn’t allow use of multi-session VDAs). -Session Limit Reached: No more sessions allowed (e.g. launching second session on VDI VDA). -Disallowed Protocol: Resource doesn’t allow protocol requested by session launch. -Resource Unavailable: Resource has been removed/disabled since enumeration. -Active Session Reconnect Disabled: Session is already connected to a different endpoint but session stealing is disabled. -No Session To Reconnect: Specified session could not be found during reconnect. -Spin Up Failed: VDA could not be powered-on for session launch. -Refused: VDA actively refused session prepare request. -Configuration Set Failure:Failed to send required configuration data to VDA prior to session launch. -No Machine Available: No machine available for launch (e.g. all shared VDI machines in group are in use). -Machine Not Functional: Non-power-managed assigned machine not registered. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): -Publish Connections and Logons Data (Performance DW) Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.DGFailedConnectionsComtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.DGFailedConnectionsComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroupPublicTrue
Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.DGLogonDurationDistributionDelivery Group - Logon Duration Distribution This report shows a breakdown of user logon durations into 5-second slots for a selected delivery group. Logon duration is the time it takes for all logon phases to complete, including Brokering Time, VM Start Time, Authentication Time, Profile Load Time, etc. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): - Publish Connections and Logons Data (Performance DW). Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.DGLogonDurationDistributionComtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.SiteLogonDurationDistributionComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroupPublicTrue
Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.DGUserGrowthOverTimeDelivery Group - User Growth Over Time This report shows how many unique (distinct) users are logging in the selected delivery group over time. The first chart shows, cumulatively, the number of unique (distinct) users connecting to the delivery group over time. Each data point represents increase in number of unique users from the first day of the reporting interval. The second chart shows unique user growth per day, i.e. number of unique users that newly connected on a specific day. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): - Publish Connections and Logons Data (Performance DW). Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.DGUserGrowthOverTimeComtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.UserGrowthOverTimeComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroupPublicTrue
Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.LogonDetailsDelivery Group - Logon Details (Troubleshooting)This report displays average user logon time and number of logons per delivery group. Logon duration time includes the following phases: Brokering - The time taken to decide which desktop to assign to the user. VM start - In case the session required a machine to be started, the time taken to boot the desktop. HDX connection - The time taken to complete the steps required in setting up the HDX connection from the client to the VM, dependent on the network. Authentication - The time taken to complete authentication to the remote session. Profile load - The phase starts just after the user credentials are validated and lasts until the profile is downloaded from the profile storage (network share). GPOs - During this phase, group policy objects are applied/defined on the Domain Controller. Logon scripts - This phase covers the time taken for the logon scripts to be executed. Interactive session - The phase starts in parallel with GPOs phase and covers Citrix specific activity before it launches the requested application: launching seamless windows engine shell, auto creation of client printers and ICA client update process. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): - Number of Logons (Performance DB DW) - Total Logon Authentication Time (Performance DW) - Total Logon Brokering Time (Performance DW) - Total Logon Duration (Performance DW) - Total Logon GPOs Time (Performance DW) - Total Logon HDX Connection Time (Performance DW) - Total Logon Interactive Session Time (Performance DW) - Total Logon Scripts Execution Time (Performance DW) - Total Logon Profile Load Time (Performance DW) - Total Logon VM Start Time (Performance DW)Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.LogonDetailsComtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LogonDetailsComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroupPublicTrue
Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.SiteLogonDurationDistributionSite - Logon Duration Distribution This report shows a breakdown of user logon durations into 5-second slots for a selected site. Logon duration distribution is shown also for each delivery group in the site. Logon duration is the time it takes for all logon phases to complete, including Brokering Time, VM Start Time, Authentication Time, Profile Load Time, etc. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): - Publish Connections and Logons Data (Performance DW). Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.SiteLogonDurationDistributionComtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.SiteLogonDurationDistributionComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.SitePublicTrue
Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.SiteUserGrowthOverTimeSite - User Growth Over Time This report shows how many unique (distinct) users are logging in the selected site over time. The first chart shows, cumulatively, the number of unique (distinct) users connecting to the site over time. Each data point represents increase in number of unique users from the first day of the reporting interval. The second chart shows unique user growth per day, i.e. number of unique users that newly connected on a specific day. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): - Publish Connections and Logons Data (Performance DW). Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.SiteUserGrowthOverTimeComtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.UserGrowthOverTimeComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.SitePublicTrue
Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.UserDesktopUsageUser - Desktop/Application Activity (Troubleshooting) This report shows desktop and application activity for selected users. Each activity contains Connection data (Application/Desktop name, Logon Time, Start and End Time etc.), Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop data (Machine, Delivery Group etc.) and Hypervisor hostname. Activity also includes session performance data for the duration of connection, such as CPU, Memory, Disk, Network, Session Latency and Session ICA RTT. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): - Publish Application Use Data (Performance DW) - Publish Connections and Logons Data (Performance DW) - Publish Session Discovery (1-5) (Performance DW) - Publish Session Performance (1-12) (Performance DW) CPU metrics: - CPU util (\%) - CPU utilization. Memory metrics: - Physical Memory (MB) - Physical memory used by processes in MB - Virtual Memory (MB) - Virtual memory used by processes in MB. - Physical Memory (\%) - Percent of physical memory used by processes. - Virtual Memory (\%) - Percent of virtual memory used by processes. - Hard Page Faults per Second - Memory page faults per second is the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. High value typically indicates a memory bottleneck. Disk metrics: - Disk Read (KB/s) - Rate at which bytes are transferred from the disk during read operations. - Disk Write (KB/s) - Rate at which bytes are transferred to the disk during write operations. - Disk Transfers (IO/s) - Rate of read and write operations on the disk. - Disk Latency (ms) - Disk latency in ms. Network metrics: - Network Send (KB/s) - Network traffic from machine. - Network Receive (KB/s) - Network traffic to machine. Citrix metrics: - Session Network Input (KB/s) - Network input of a session. - Session Network Output (KB/s) - Network output of a session. - Session Latency - Network latency of a session in ms. - Session ICA Round Trip Time (RTT) - ICA Round Trip Time of a session in ms. Note: Session performance data is only visible for the last 10 days, which is the default grooming interval for raw data performance on Session dataset. To increase retention interval refer to MPXAXD User Guide. Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.UserDesktopUsageComtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.UserDesktopUsageComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.MachineAgentProxy.ComputerRolePublicTrue
Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.UserFailedConnectionsUser - Failed Connections This report displays failed connection details for selected users, such as Connection Launch Time, Time to Connection Failure which is the time difference in seconds between Launch Time and Failure Time, Failure Type, Failure Reason etc. Connection failure types: -Client Connection Failures: Failures due to the inability of the client side to complete the session connection. For example, connection timed out, server was not reachable. -Machine Failures: Connection failures that are the result of the machine being in a failed state or failure to start up or respond. -Unavailable Capacity: Failures due to the configured capacity of a particular delivery group having been completely consumed. For example, too many users logged into a Server Desktop OS delivery group or a user accessing a Pooled Random delivery group while all the machines in the delivery group are already assigned to other users. -Unavailable Licenses: Failures that occur when the delivery controller is unable to acquire a license from the license server to launch the session. -Configuration Errors: Failures caused by configuration errors. For example, an administrator places a Delivery Group or a particular machine in Maintenance mode. Connection failure reasons: -Session Preparation: Session prepare request from Broker service to VDA failed. -Registration Timeout: VDA did not register in time after being powered on for session launch. -Connection Timeout: Client did not connect to VDA after VDA was prepared for session launch. -Licensing: License request failed (typically no license available). -Ticketing: Failure during ticketing, indicating that the client connection to VDA does not match the brokered request. -Other: General unresolved errors between client and VDI. -General Fail: General unresolved errors during initial brokering operation. -Maintenance Mode: Machine or delivery group in maintenance mode. -Application Disabled: Application can no longer be used and has been disabled by the admin. -License Feature Refused: Feature being used is not licensed (e.g. license doesn’t allow use of multi-session VDAs). -Session Limit Reached: No more sessions allowed (e.g. launching second session on VDI VDA). -Disallowed Protocol: Resource doesn’t allow protocol requested by session launch. -Resource Unavailable: Resource has been removed/disabled since enumeration. -Active Session Reconnect Disabled: Session is already connected to a different endpoint but session stealing is disabled. -No Session To Reconnect: Specified session could not be found during reconnect. -Spin Up Failed: VDA could not be powered-on for session launch. -Refused: VDA actively refused session prepare request. -Configuration Set Failure:Failed to send required configuration data to VDA prior to session launch. -NoMachineAvailable: No machine available for launch (e.g. all shared VDI machines in group are in use). -Machine Not Functional: Non-power-managed assigned machine not registered. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): -Publish Connections and Logons Data (Performance DW) Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.UserFailedConnectionsComtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.UserFailedConnectionsPublicTrue
Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.UserLogonUser - Logon Activity (Troubleshooting)This report displays all logons for selected user. Logon duration time includes the following phases: Brokering - The time taken to decide which desktop to assign to the user. VM start - In case the session required a machine to be started, the time taken to boot the desktop. HDX connection - The time taken to complete the steps required in setting up the HDX connection from the client to the VM, dependding on the network. Authentication - The time taken to complete authentication to the remote session. Profile load - The phase starts just after the user credentials are validated and lasts until the profile is downloaded from the profile storage (network share). GPOs - During this phase, group policy objects are applied/defined on the Domain Controller. Logon scripts - This phase covers the time taken for the logon scripts to be executed. Interactive session - The phase starts in parallel with GPOs phase and covers Citrix specific activity before it launches the requested application: launching seamless windows engine shell, auto creation of client printers and ICA client update process. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): - Publish Connections and Logons Data (Performance DW)Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.UserLogonComtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.UserLogonComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroupPublicTrue
Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.WeeklyLogonDuration.DeliveryGroupDelivery Group - Logons per Week (Plan & Manage)This report displays average logon time and number of logons by delivery group in selected sites for each week. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): - Number of Logons (Performance DB DW) - Total Logon Duration (Performance DW)Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.LinkedReport.WeeklyLogonDuration.DeliveryGroupComtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Reports.WeeklyLogonDurationComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.SitePublicTrue