All Linked Reports in Comtrade.Citrix.XenApp.And.XenDesktop.Reports Management Pack

Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.DGServerPerformanceReportDelivery Group Server OS - Machine Performance This report shows average performance data across all running Server OS machines for selected delivery groups. Displayed metrics: - CPU util (\%) - CPU utilization - Physical Memory (\%) - Percent of physical memory used by processes on a system. - Load Index (\%) - Citrix Load Index on a server, defined by Citrix Load Management policy settings. Values are in percent. If server load reaches 100\%, Server OS machine no longer allows new connections. - # of session - Number of (active and disconnected) sessions on server - Disk Latency (ms) - Disk latency in ms. - Network Receive (KB/s) - Network traffic to machine. - Network Send (KB/s) - Network traffic from machine. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): - Publish Machine Discovery (Performance DW) - Publish Server OS Machine Performance (Performance DW) Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.DGServerPerformanceReportCitrix.XenDesktop.Reports.DGServerPerformanceReportComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroupPublicTrue
Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.SiteAvailabilitySite - Infrastructure Availability This report shows availability of a Site infrastructure during the selected reporting time period. Site infrastructure health or availability is determined according to: - Most important Citrix services on Delivery Controller computers (AD Identity Service, Broker Service, Configuration Service, Host Service, Machine Creation Service) - All configured hypervisor connections Site infrastructure is available as long as there is no negative impact on user experience caufsed by common infrastructure of the Site. This means that a Site is considered available as long as all the most important Citrix services are operational on the Site level and all configured hypervisor connections are available. A Citrix service is operational on a Site level if it is operational on at least one Delivery Controller computer in the Site. For example, if there are two Delivery Controller computers in a Site and Broker Service is operational on only one of them, the Site is not affected to the extent where the user cannot use XenApp/XenDesktop. In such circumstances, Broker Service is available on the Site level. However, as soon as Broker Server ceases to be operational on all Delivery Controller computers, Broker Service is treated as not operational on the Site level. The report is divided into three sections: - "Site availability": shows Site infrastructure availability. Site infrastructure is marked as unavailable if at least one Citrix service on the Site level is stopped or at least one hypervisor connection is interrupted. - "Citrix services availability": shows availability for each Citrix service on the Site level. - "Hypervisor connection availability": shows availability for each hypervisor connection. All three sections present availability data in the same way. At the top, availability is displayed for the whole reporting time period, as a percentage and as absolute time. The first graph shows availability state (Available, Partly available, Unavailable) either by hour, day, or month, depending on the chart scale selected. The second graph shows availability as a percentage with more detailed categorization for available and unavailable states. By clicking on a specific bar in the second graph, availability data can be drilled down to get more details. To get downtime periods with exact start, end time and duration of each specific down time period click on "Open downtime periods report" link. Hypervisor connections in maintenance are treated as available. First graph in "Hypervisor connections availability" section presents this state as available, but in the second graph the state is shown as yellow (Warning). Report depends on the following unit monitor(s): - Site Infrastructure Health (Aggregate) - AD Identity Services Status - Broker Services Status - Configuration Services Status - Host Services Status - Machine Creation Services Status - Hypervisor Connection Status Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.SiteAvailabilityCitrix.XenDesktop.Reports.SiteAvailabilityComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.SitePublicTrue
ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.ApplicationAvailabilityApplication - Availability This report shows availability of applications and delivery groups in which applications are published during the selected report duration. Application is marked as available at a specific time if a new user could start it at that time, i.e. there is at least one delivery group publishing that application which has a machine that can take a new connection (at least one machine is registered, not fully loaded and not in maintenance mode). First area shows the availability of an application. Application availability is displayed as relative time (percentage), absolute time (in hours, minutes and seconds) for whole reporting time range. Stacked column chart displays application availability in percentage either by hour, day or month depending on chart scale selected. By clicking on column, data can be drilled down. A click on the “Open application downtime periods report” launches the sub-report that shows application downtime periods with exact start, end time and duration of each specific down time period. Second area shows the availability of each delivery group that hosts the application in similar fashion as first area shows availability for applications. Report depends on the following unit monitor(s): - Delivery Group Availability - Delivery Group In Maintenance ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.ApplicationAvailabilityComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.ApplicationAvailabilityComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.ApplicationPublicTrue
Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.ApplicationUserSessionsApplication - User Sessions This report displays the number of all (active and disconnected) concurrent sessions per application. Depending on selected data aggregation, maximum number of sessions per hour or day is displayed. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): - Number of All Sessions per Application (Performance DW) Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.ApplicationUserSessionsComtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.ApplicationUserSessionsComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.ApplicationPublicTrue
Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.ConcurrentUsersSite - User Concurrency Across Sites This report shows maximum number of concurrently connected unique users across selected sites for a given time interval. Besides this single value, also maximum number of concurrently connected unique users for each day in a reporting interval is also shown on graph and in the table.Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.ConcurrentUsersComtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.ConcurrentUsersComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.SitePublicTrue
Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.DGAvailabilityDelivery Group - Availability This report shows availability of Server OS and Random Desktop OS delivery groups during the selected reporting time period. A delivery group is considered available at a specific time if users could start desktops/applications in that delivery group at that time. In other words: an available delivery group has at least one machine that can take a new connection (at least one machine is registered, the machine is not fully loaded and not currently in the maintenance mode) Availability is shown for each selected delivery group on a separate page. At the top, availability is displayed for the whole reporting time period, as a percentage and as absolute time. The first graph shows availability state (Available, Partly available, Unavailable) either by hour, day, or month, depending on the chart scale selected. The second graph shows availability as a percentage with more detailed categorization for up and down states. By clicking on a specific bar in the second graph, availability data can be drilled down to get to a level of greater granularity. To get downtime periods with exact start time, end time, and duration of each, click the "Open delivery group downtime periods report" link. There are certain monitoring states which do not unambiguously indicate whether a delivery group is available or not (UP/DOWN), so you can define how you want to interpret them by using the "Down Time" option. Available "Down Time" option values: - Standard SCOM monitoring states (Monitoring unavailable, Planned Maintenance, Unplanned Maintenance, Monitor disabled, Unmonitored) - Delivery Group in Citrix Maintenance: Delivery group is in the Citrix Maintenance mode. If you are strictly assessing availability, then a delivery group that is in the Citrix maintenance mode should be interpreted as unavailable (the default, checkbox selected). On the other hand, to check when a delivery group was not available and exclude the time when it was in the Citrix maintenance mode, the maintenance mode should be interpreted as available (checkbox cleared) Note: Report is not applicable for Static Desktop OS delivery groups. Report depends on the following unit monitor(s): - Delivery Group Availability - Delivery Group In Maintenance Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.DGAvailabilityComtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.DGAvailabilityComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroupPublicTrue
ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.ServerActiveSessionsServer OS Machine - Active Sessions This report shows max/min and average number of active sessions for selected Server OS Machine(s). Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): -Number of Active Sessions (Performance DW) ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.ServerActiveSessionsComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.ServerActiveSessionsComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.ServerOSMachinePublicTrue
ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.ServerActiveSessionsTopServer OS Machine - Active Sessions (Top N)This report shows top/bottom N Server OS machines according to maximum number of active sessions. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): -Number of Active Sessions (Performance DW) ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.ServerActiveSessionsTopComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.ServerActiveSessionsTopComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.ServerOSMachinePublicTrue
ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.ServerPerformanceReportServer OS Machine - Performance (Troubleshooting)This report shows server performance for selected Server OS machines. Displayed metrics: CPU, Memory, Disk, Network, Load Index, average Latency and ICA RTT for sessions on server. Overall metrics: - CPU util (\%) - CPU utilization - Physical Memory (\%) - Percent of physical memory used by processes on a system. - Virtual Memory (\%) - Percent of virtual memory used by processes on a system. - Load Index (\%) - Citrix Load Index on a server, defined by Citrix Load Management policy settings. Values are in percent. If server load reaches 100\%, Server OS machine no longer allows new connections. - # of session - Number of (active and disconnected) sessions on server Memory metrics: - Physical Memory (MB) - Physical memory used by processes on a system in MB. - Virtual Memory (MB) - Virtual memory used by processes on a system in MB. - Hard Page Faults per Second - Memory page faults per second is the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. High value typically indicates a memory bottleneck. Disk metrics: - Disk Read (KB/s) - Rate at which bytes are transferred from the disk during read operations. - Disk Write (KB/s) - Rate at which bytes are transferred to the disk during write operations. - Disk IOPS (IO/s) - Rate of read and write operations on the disk. - Disk Latency (ms) - Disk latency in ms. Network metrics: - Network Send (KB/s) - Network traffic from machine. - Network Receive (KB/s) - Network traffic to machine. Citrix metrics: - Avg. Session Latency - Average network latency of all active sessions on a server in ms. - Avg. Session ICA RTT - Average ICA Round Trip Time of all active sessions on a server in ms. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): - Publish Machine Discovery (Performance DW) - Publish Server OS Machine Performance (Performance DW) ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.ServerPerformanceReportComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.ServerPerformanceReportComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.MachineAgentProxy.ComputerRolePublicTrue
ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.ServerPerformanceReportMachineServer OS Machine - Performance (Plan and Manage)ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.ServerPerformanceReportMachineComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.ServerPerformanceReportComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.ServerOSMachinePublicTrue
ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.TopN.DesktopGroupActiveSessionsDelivery Group - Active Sessions (Top N)Top delivery groups by active sessions. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): -Number of Active Sessions (Performance DB DW) ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.TopN.DesktopGroupActiveSessionsComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.PerformanceTopComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroupPublicTrue
ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.TopN.PrivateDesktopGroupUsageDelivery Group Desktop OS Static - Delivery Group Usage (Top N)The percentage of machines already assigned to some user for a Desktop OS Static delivery group. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): -Desktop OS Static Delivery Group Usage (\%) (Performance DB DW) ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.TopN.PrivateDesktopGroupUsageComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.PerformanceTopComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup.Private.DesktopOSPublicTrue
ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.TopN.SharedDesktopGroupUsageDelivery Group Desktop OS Random - Delivery Group Usage (Top N)The percentage of machines in use for a Desktop OS Random delivery group. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): -Desktop OS Random Delivery Group Usage (\%) (Performance DB DW) ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.TopN.SharedDesktopGroupUsageComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.PerformanceTopComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup.Shared.DesktopOSPublicTrue
ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.Trending.DesktopGroupActiveSessionsDelivery Group - Active Sessions (Trending)Report predicting the future number of active sessions in delivery group based on performance history. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): -Number of Active Sessions (Performance DB DW) ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.Trending.DesktopGroupActiveSessionsComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.TrendingReportComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroupPublicTrue
ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.Trending.PrivateDesktopGroupUsageDelivery Group Desktop OS Static - Delivery Group Usage (Trending)Report predicting the future Desktop OS Random delivery group usage based on performance history. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): -Desktop OS Static Delivery Group Usage (\%) (Performance DB DW) ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.Trending.PrivateDesktopGroupUsageComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.TrendingReportComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup.Private.DesktopOSPublicTrue
ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.Trending.SharedDesktopGroupUsageDelivery Group Desktop OS Random - Delivery Group Usage (Trending)Report predicting the future Desktop OS Random delivery group usage based on performance history. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): -Desktop OS Random Delivery Group Usage (\%) (Performance DB DW) ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.Trending.SharedDesktopGroupUsageComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.TrendingReportComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup.Shared.DesktopOSPublicTrue
ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.Trending.SiteActiveSessionsSite - Active Sessions (Trending)Report predicting the future number of active sessions on a site based on performance history. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): -Number of Active Sessions (Performance DB DW) ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.Trending.SiteActiveSessionsComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.TrendingReportComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.SiteDataCollectorPublicTrue
ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.Trending.SiteConnectedUsersSite - Connected Users (Trending)Report predicting the future number of connected users on a site based on performance history. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): -Number of Concurrent Users (Performance DB DW) ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReport.Trending.SiteConnectedUsersComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.TrendingReportComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.SiteDataCollectorPublicTrue
ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReports.ReadyPoolSettingsOptimizerDelivery Group Desktop OS Random - Ready Pool Settings OptimizerThis report shows the number of ready desktops for Desktop OS Random delivery group for configurable time range (default 2 weeks). By default graph shows the minimum, average, and maximum number of ready desktops throughout the day by hour, allowing you to compare, for example, what the minimum, average, and maximum values were at 8:00-9:00 AM for all days defined by business hours. By selecting “Weekly by weekdays” Histogram, report will show average, minimum and maximum number of ready desktops by week days. This allows you to compare, for example, what the minimum, average, and maximum values were for all Mondays being in defined time range. By tweaking business hours you can further define which part of the day you are interested in. Using this report you can determine how well the XenDesktop site maintains the "Ready Pool Settings" levels, which are defined for every delivery group. If you notice that the XenDesktop site struggles to maintain the required level of ready desktops at a specific time of the day, you can increase the "Ready Pool Settings" accordingly. Similarly, if you see a very "stable" situation at a specific time of the day, you can most probably decrease the number of ready desktops waiting for users to connect. Report depends on the following data collecting rule(s): -Number of Ready Desktops (Performance DB DW) ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.LinkedReports.ReadyPoolSettingsOptimizerComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.Reports.PerformanceDetailedComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup.Shared.DesktopOSPublicTrue