All ProbeAction Modules in Unix.Authoring.Library Management Pack

Unix.Authoring.ShellCommand.ProbeActionUNIX/Linux Shell Command Probe ActionA probe action module type that runs a shell command through a WS-Management invocation. Unix.Authoring.ShellCommand.ProbeActionProbeActionModuleTypeAnyPublic
Unix.Authoring.ShellCommand.PropertyBag.ProbeActionUNIX/Linux Shell Command Property Bag Probe ActionA probe action module type that runs a shell command through a WS-Management invocation, and passes the output to a Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellPropertyBagProbe probe action. The PowerShell Property Bag probe can be used to parse and manipulate output from the shell command.Unix.Authoring.ShellCommand.PropertyBag.ProbeActionProbeActionModuleTypeAnyPublic
Unix.Authoring.ShellScript.ProbeActionUNIX/Linux Shell Script Probe ActionA probe action module type that runs a shell script through a WS-Management invocation. The shell script is transferred to the UNIX/Linux host for each invocation.Unix.Authoring.ShellScript.ProbeActionProbeActionModuleTypeAnyPublic
Unix.Authoring.ShellScript.PropertyBag.ProbeActionUNIX/Linux Shell Script Property Bag Probe ActionA probe action module type that runs a shell script through a WS-Management invocation, and passes the output to a Microsoft.Windows.PowerShellPropertyBagProbe probe action. The PowerShell Property Bag probe can be used to parse and manipulate output from the shell command. The shell script is transferred to the UNIX/Linux host for each invocation.Unix.Authoring.ShellScript.PropertyBag.ProbeActionProbeActionModuleTypeAnyPublic