| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Category | Enabled | Instance Name | Counter Name | Frequency | Event_ID | Event Source | Alert Generate | Alert Severity | Alert Priority | Remotable | Event Log |
| Avg. User Logon Authentication Time (Performance DB) | Collects average user logon authentication time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to OpsMgr database.
Authentication time is the time taken to complete authentication to the remote session. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageAuthenticationTime.PerfDB | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Avg. User Logon Brokering Time (Performance DB) | Collects average user logon brokering time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to OpsMgr database.
This is the time taken to complete the process of brokering the session. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageBrokeringTime.PerfDB | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Avg. User Logon Duration (Performance DB DW) | Collects average user logon duration (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to OpsMgr and DataWarehouse databases.
Total logon duration is the elapsed time from the point when a user launches a desktop or application via Storefront to the point when a user can start using it. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageCompleteDuration.PerfDB | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Avg. User Logon GPOs Time (Performance DB) | Collects average user logon GPOs time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to OpsMgr database.
During this phase the desktop/server machine applies user settings defined on the Domain Controller. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageGPOsTime.PerfDB | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Avg. User Logon HDX Connection Time (Performance DB) | Collects average user logon HDX connection time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to OpsMgr database.
This is the time taken to complete the steps required in setting up the HDX connection from the client to the VM. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageHDXConnectionTime.PerfDB | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Avg. User Logon Interactive Session Time (Performance DB) | Collects average user logon interactive session time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to OpsMgr database.
The logon phase covers Citrix specific activity before it launches the requested application: launching seamless windows engine shell, auto creation of client printers and ICA client update process. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageInteractiveSessionTime.PerfDB | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Avg. User Logon Scripts Execution Time (Performance DB) | Collects average user logon scripts execution time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to OpsMgr database.
This logon phase covers the time taken for the logon scripts to be executed. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageLogonScriptsTime.PerfDB | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Avg. User Logon Profile Load Time (Performance DB) | Collects average user logon profile load time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to OpsMgr database.
The logon phase starts just after the user credentials are validated and lasts until the profile is downloaded from the profile storage (network share). | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageProfileLoadTime.PerfDB | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Avg. User Logon VM Start Time (Performance DB) | Collects average user logon VM start time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to OpsMgr database.
This is the time taken to start a VM. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageVMStartTime.PerfDB | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Number of Logons (Performance DB DW) | Collects information about number of logons for a delivery group and stores data to OpsMgr and DataWarehouse databases. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.NumberOfLogons.PerfDBDW | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Total Logon Authentication Time (Performance DW) | Collects total logon authentication time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to Data Warehouse.
Authentication time is the time taken to complete authentication to the remote session. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.TotalAuthenticationTime.PerfDW | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Total Logon Brokering Time (Performance DW) | Collects total logon brokering time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to Data Warehouse.
This is the time taken to complete the process of brokering the session. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.TotalBrokeringTime.PerfDW | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Total Logon Duration (Performance DW) | Collects total logon duration (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to Data Warehouse.
Complete logon duration is time that is needed from a user launching a desktop or application via Storefront to the time when a user can start using it. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.TotalCompleteDuration.PerfDW | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Total Logon GPOs Time (Performance DW) | Collects total logon GPOs time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to Data Warehouse.
During this phase the desktop/server machine applies user settings defined on the Domain Controller. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.TotalGPOsTime.PerfDW | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Total Logon HDX Connection Time (Performance DW) | Collects total logon HDX connection time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to Data Warehouse.
This is the time taken to complete the steps required in setting up the HDX connection from the client to the VM. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.TotalHDXConnectionTime.PerfDW | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Total Logon Interactive Session Time (Performance DW) | Collects total logon interactive session time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to Data Warehouse.
The logon phase covers Citrix specific activity before it launches the requested application: launching seamless windows engine shell, auto creation of client printers and ICA client update process. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.TotalInteractiveSessionTime.PerfDW | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Total Logon Scripts Execution Time (Performance DW) | Collects total logon scripts execution time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to Data Warehouse.
This logon phase covers the time taken for the logon scripts to be executed. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.TotalLogonScriptsTime.PerfDW | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Total Logon Profile Load Time (Performance DW) | Collects total logon profile load time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to Data Warehouse.
The logon phase starts just after the user credentials are validated and lasts until the profile is downloaded from the profile storage (network share). | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.TotalProfileLoadTime.PerfDW | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Total Logon VM Start Time (Performance DW) | Collects total logon VM start time (in seconds) for a delivery group and stores data to Data Warehouse.
This is the time taken to start a VM. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.TotalVMStartTime.PerfDW | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Failed Connection (Alert) | Generates alert if connection has failed. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.FailedConnections.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.SiteDataCollector | Alert | False | | | 0 | 0 | | True | Warning | Normal | True | |
| User Logon Process - Authentication Time (Alert) | Generates alert if time taken to complete authentication to the remote session exceeds a threshold value. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Logon.AuthenticationTime.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | Alert | False | | | 0 | 0 | | True | | | True | |
| User Logon Process - Brokering Time (Alert) | Generates alert if duration of delivery controller to broker the session exceeds a threshold value. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Logon.BrokeringTime.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | Alert | False | | | 0 | 0 | | True | | | True | |
| User Logon Process - Complete Duration (Alert) | Generates alert if duration of the complete user logon process exceeds a threshold value. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Logon.CompleteDuration.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | Alert | True | | | 0 | 0 | | True | | | True | |
| User Logon Process - Applying GPOs Time (Alert) | Generates alert if time taken for the GPOs to be applied exceeds a threshold value. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Logon.GPOsTime.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | Alert | False | | | 0 | 0 | | True | | | True | |
| User Logon Process - HDX Connection Time (Alert) | Generates alert if time taken to complete the steps required in setting up the HDX connection from the client to the VM exceeds a threshold value.
| Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Logon.HDXConnectionTime.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | Alert | False | | | 0 | 0 | | True | | | True | |
| User Logon Process - Interactive Session Time (Alert) | Generates alert if time taken to handoff keyboard and mouse control to the user exceeds a threshold value. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Logon.InteractiveSessionTime.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | Alert | False | | | 0 | 0 | | True | | | True | |
| User Logon Process - Logon Scripts Time (Alert) | Generates alert if time taken for the logon scripts to be executed exceeds a threshold value. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Logon.LogonScriptsTime.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | Alert | False | | | 0 | 0 | | True | | | True | |
| User Logon Process - Profile Load Time (Alert) | Generates alert if time taken for the profile to be loaded exceeds a threshold value. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Logon.ProfileLoadTime.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | Alert | False | | | 0 | 0 | | True | | | True | |
| User Logon Process - VM Start Time (Alert) | Generates alert if time taken to start a VM (in case this is needed) exceeds a threshold value. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Logon.VMStartTime.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | Alert | False | | | 0 | 0 | | True | | | True | |
| Desktop OS Session CPU Utilization (Alert) | Generates alert if CPU utilization on Desktop OS session is consistently high over multiple consecutive samples. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Session.DesktopOS.CPUUsage.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.MachineAgentProxy.ComputerRole | Alert | True | | | 0 | 0 | | True | Warning | Normal | True | |
| Desktop OS Session Disk Latency (Alert) | Generates alert if disk transfer (reads and writes) latency is consistently high over multiple consecutive samples. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Session.DesktopOS.DiskLatency.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.MachineAgentProxy.ComputerRole | Alert | True | | | 0 | 0 | | True | Warning | Normal | True | |
| Desktop OS Session Memory Hard Page Faults (Alert) | Generates alert if memory page hard faults (per second) on Desktop OS session is consistently high over multiple consecutive samples. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Session.DesktopOS.MemPageFaults.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.MachineAgentProxy.ComputerRole | Alert | True | | | 0 | 0 | | True | Warning | Normal | True | |
| Desktop OS Session Physical Memory Utilization (Alert) | Generates alert if physical memory utilization on Desktop OS machine is high. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Session.DesktopOS.PhysicalMemUtil.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.MachineAgentProxy.ComputerRole | Alert | True | | | 0 | 0 | | True | Warning | Normal | True | |
| Desktop OS Session Bandwidth Usage (Alert) | Generates alert if session bandwidth usage is consistently high over multiple consecutive samples. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Session.DesktopOS.SessionBandwidthUsage.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.MachineAgentProxy.ComputerRole | Alert | False | | | 0 | 0 | | True | Warning | Normal | True | |
| Server OS Session CPU Utilization (Alert) | Generates alert if CPU utilization on Server OS session is consistently high over multiple consecutive samples. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Session.ServerOS.CPUUsage.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.MachineAgentProxy.ComputerRole | Alert | True | | | 0 | 0 | | True | Warning | Normal | True | |
| Server OS Session Physical Memory Usage (Alert) | Generates alert if physical memory usage on Server OS session is high. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Session.ServerOS.PhysicalMem.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.MachineAgentProxy.ComputerRole | Alert | False | | | 0 | 0 | | True | Warning | Normal | True | |
| Server OS Session Bandwidth Usage (Alert) | Generates alert if session bandwidth usage is consistently high over multiple consecutive samples. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Session.ServerOS.SessionBandwidthUsage.Alert | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.MachineAgentProxy.ComputerRole | Alert | False | | | 0 | 0 | | True | Warning | Normal | True | |
| Avg. Logon Duration (Performance DB DW) | Collects average logon duration of user logons on a site and stores data to OpsMgr and DataWarehouse databases. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Site.AvgLogonDuration.PerfDB | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.SiteDataCollector | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Number of Logons (Performance DB DW) | Collects information about number of user logons on a site and stores data to OpsMgr and DataWarehouse databases. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Site.NumberOfLogons.PerfDBDW | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.SiteDataCollector | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Total Logon Duration (Performance DW) | Collects total logon duration of user logons on a site and stores data to Data Warehouse. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.Site.TotalLogonDuration.PerfDW | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.SiteDataCollector | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |