| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Category | Enabled | Instance Name | Counter Name | Frequency | Event_ID | Event Source | Alert Generate | Alert Severity | Alert Priority | Remotable | Event Log |
| Apply APM Agent configuration | Rule used to send configuration to the APM Service | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.ApmAgentApplyConfigurationRule | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.ApmAgent | Alert | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | False | |
| APM computer synchronization rule | This rule deletes computers flagged as "pending delete" from the APM database. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.APMComputerSynchronizerRule | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ManagementGroup | Custom | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| APM event collection Rule | This rule collects all APM Events into the Operations Manager Database. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.CollectApplicationDiagnosticsEvents | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.ApmAgent | Custom | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | False | |
| Start APM Agent configuration processing | Start APM Agent configuration processing | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.ConfigurationManagerControlRule | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.ApmAgent | Alert | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | False | |
| Operations Manager APM Data Transfer Rule | This rule transfers data from operations DB to the data warehouse DB for Application Advisor. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.DataTransferRule | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.DataTransferService | Custom | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Apply Client-Side Monitoring Agent configuration | Rule used to send Client-Side Monitoring configuration to the APM Service | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.Library.CsmAgentApplyConfigurationRule | Microsoft.SystemCenter.Apm.CsmAgent | Alert | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | False | |