| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Category | Enabled | Instance Name | Counter Name | Frequency | Event_ID | Event Source | Alert Generate | Alert Severity | Alert Priority | Remotable | Event Log |
| Collect DHCP Database Cleanup Events | This rule reports when DHCP cannot clean up the database | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Database.Collect.DBCleanup | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1010 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Callout Loading Success Events | This rule reports when DHCP successfully loads a callout.dll | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.IPv4Runtime.Collect.CalloutLoadSuccess | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1033 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Network Failure Events | This rule reports when DHCP encounters a network error | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.IPv4Runtime.Collect.NetworkFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1050 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect Scope Free Addresses | Collect the number of free addresses in the scope | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Collect.FreeScopeAddresses | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Scope | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| DHCP Back Up Database Error Rule | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.BackupAndRestore.Error.Rule | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1018 | | False | | | True | System |
| DHCP Back Up Database Warning Rule | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.BackupAndRestore.Warning.Rule | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1016 | | True | Warning | Normal | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Database Backup Path Failure Events | This rule reports when the DHCP backup path is not accessible | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.Collect.BackupPathFail | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1061 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Database Cleanup Complete Events | This rule reports when the DHCP database cleanup is complete | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.Collect.CleanupComplete | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Database Cleanup Started Events | This rule reports when DHCP has started to cleanup the database | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.Collect.CleanupStarted | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1037 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Database Conversion In Progress Events | This rule reports when DHCP has stopped and database conversion is in progress | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.Collect.ConversionInProgress | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1023 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Database Conversion Required Events | This rule reports when DHCP detect that the database is the wrong version and must be converted | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.Collect.ConversionRequired | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1022 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Database Backup Failure Events | This rule reports when DHCP cannot backup the database | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.Collect.DatabaseBackupFail | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1016 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Database Load Failure Events | This rule reports when DHCP cannot load the database | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.Collect.DBLoadFail | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1021 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Database Path Failure Events | This rule reports when DHCP cannot access the path to the DHCP database | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.Collect.DBPathFail | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1062 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Database Initialization Failure Events | This rule reports when the DHCP database cannot be initialized | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.Collect.InitFail | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1004 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Jet Error Events | This rule reports when DHCP database problems are occuring | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.Collect.JetErrors | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1014 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Database Warning Events | This rule reports when DHCP database problems occur | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.Collect.JetWarnings | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1015 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Database Restore Complete Events | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.Collect.RestoreCompleted | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1057 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Database Restore Failure Events | This rule reports when DHCP cannot restore the database | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.Collect.RestoreFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1018 | | False | | | True | System |
| DHCP Database Integrity Error Rule | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.DBIntegrity.Error.Rule | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | True | Warning | Normal | True | System |
| DHCP Database Integrity Warning Rule | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database.DBIntegrity.Warning.Rule | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Database | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | True | Warning | Normal | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Audit Log Append Failure Events | This rule reports when DHCP cannot append to the audit log | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.AuditLogAppendFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1027 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Audit Log Intiialization Failure Events | This rule reports when DHCP cannot initialize the audit log | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.AuditLogInitFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1028 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Audit Log Move Failure Events | This rule reports when DHCP cannot move the audit log | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.AuditLogMoveFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1030 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collects DHCP Authorized And Started Events | This rule reports when DHCP is authorized and started and is servicing clients | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.AuthorizedAndStarted | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1043 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Bad Audit Path Events | This rule reports when DHCP is unable to access the audit file path | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.BadAuditPath | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1060 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP BOOTP File Table Read Failure Events | This rule reports when DHCP cannot read the DHCP BOOTP file table from the registry | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.BOOTPFileFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1025 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Callout Load Exception Events | This rule reports the installed callout.dll file causes an exception | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.CalloutLoadException | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1032 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Callout Load Failure Events | This rule reports when DHCP fails to load a callout.dll | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.CalloutLoadFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1034 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect Client Cleanup Events | Thiis rule reports when an error occurs cleaning up pending client records | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.ClientCleanup | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1009 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Registry Configuration Backup Error Events | This rule reports when an error occurs backing up the registry | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.ConfigBackup | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1017 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Local Users Group Failure Events | This rule reports when DHCP cannot create or read the DHCP local users group | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.DHCPLocalGroupFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1035 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Domain Authorized Events | This rule reports when DHCP is authorized in the domain | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.DomainAuthorized | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1067 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Domain Authorized And Started Events | This rule reports when DHCP is authorized in the domain and is servicing clients | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.DomainAuthorizedAndStarted | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1044 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Can't Locate Domain Events | This rule reports when DHCP can't locate the domain | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.DomainError | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1049 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Domain Not Authorized Events | This rule reports when DHCP is not authorized in the domain | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.DomainNotAuthorized | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1046 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Domain Unauthorized Events | This rule reports when DHCP is not authorized in the domain | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.DomainUnauthorized | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1066 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Domain Authorization Unchecked Events | This rule reports when DHCP has not determined domain authorization | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.DomainUnchecked | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1068 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Domain Recently Upgraded Events | This rules reports when DHCP was recently upgraded and domain authorized to start | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.DomainUpgraded | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1048 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Failed To Locate a DC Events | This rule reports when DHCP could not contact a domain controller | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.DSFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1059 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Dynamic Address Detected Events | This rule reports when DHCP detects a dynamic IP address | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.DynamicAddress | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1144 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP BOOTP Global Filename Read Failure Events | This rule reports when DHCP failed to read the global BOOTP filename from the registry | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.GlobalBOOTPFileNameFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1026 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Configuration Initialization Failure Events | This rule reports when DHCP fails to intialize its configuration parameters | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.InitFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1058 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Interface Notification Failed Events | This rule reports when DHCP detects an interface notification problem | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.InterfaceNotificationFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 20035 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Other Server Detected Events | This rule reports when this DHCP workgroup server detects a domain server | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.OtherServer | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1052 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Ping Failure Events | This rule reports when DHCP was unable to ping for a new address | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.PingFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1029 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Registry Restore Failure Events | This rule reports when an error occurs restoring the DHCP registry configuration | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.RegistryRestoreFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1019 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect Rogue DHCP Server Detected Events | This rule reports when DHCP detects an unauthorized DHCP server on the same network | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.RogueServerDetected | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1042 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Recently Upgraded Events | This rule reports when DHCP was recently upgraded and authorized to start | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.Upgraded | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1047 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect Winsock Failed Events | This rule reports when winsock initialization fails | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.Collect.WinsockFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1005 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Callout Failure Events | This rule reports when an exception occurs calling out to the installed callout.dll file | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.CollectCalloutFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1031 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Not Authorized Events | This rule reports when the server is not authorized to start | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.CollectNotAuthorized | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1045 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Unauthorized Events | This rule reports when DHCP is unauthorized | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.CollectUnauthorized | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1051 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect Incorrect DNS Credentials Events | This rule reports when DHCP cannot use the credentials provided for DNS registrations | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.CollectWrongDNSCreds | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1055 | | False | | | True | System |
| DHCP IPv4 Runtime DNS Registration Rule | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.DNSRegistration.Warning.Rule | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | True | Warning | Normal | True | System |
| DHCP IPv4 Runtime Users Group Configuration Rule | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.GroupConfig.Error.Rule | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | True | Warning | Normal | True | System |
| Collect No DNS Credentials on DC Events | This rule reports when DHCP is running on a domain controller but doesnt have specific credentials for registering DNS information | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.NoCredsOnDC | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1056 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect SBS DHCP Detected Other DHCP Server Events | This rule reports when an SBS DHCP server detects another DHCP server | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime.SBSOtherServer | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Runtime | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1053 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect IPv4 DHCP Client Declines Events | This rule reports all IPv4 DHCP offers that were declined by a DHCP client | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope.Collect.LeaseDeclined | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1012 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect IPv4 Low Address Warning Events | This rule reports all IPv4 scopes that are running low on available leases | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope.Collect.LowAddressWarning | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1014 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect IPv4 NACK Issued Events | This rule reports all IPv4 NACKS issued by the DHCP server | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope.Collect.NACKIssued | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1011 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect IPv4 Scope Full Events | This rule reports on all IPv4 scopes that are out of available Ieases | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope.Collect.ScopeFull | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1063 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect Unknown IPv4 Option Events | This rule reports all IPv4 DHCP client requests that contained a request for an unknown DHCP option | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope.Collect.UnknownOption | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1000 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect IPv4 Boot Full Events | This rule reports all IPv4 BOOTP requests that could not be filled due to lack of available addresses | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope.CollectBOOTPFull | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1064 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect IPv4 Released Leases | This rule reports all released IPv4 leases | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope.CollectLeaseRelease | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1013 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect Orphaned Entries Deleted Events | This rule reports when there are orphaned entries deleted in the configuration due to the deletion of a class or option definition | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope.CollectOrphanedEntriesDeleted | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.IPv4Scope | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1065 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect All DHCP Server Performance Data | This rule collects all DHCP Server Performance Data from Scopes and Superscopes | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Rule.CollectPerformanceData | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect Scope Addresses In Use | Collect the number of scope addresses in use | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Scope.CollectScopeAddressesInUse | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Scope | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect DDNS Update Request Events | This rule reports when an DDNS update is requested | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.Collect.DDNSUpdateRequest | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1136 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collects DDNS Update Successful Events | This rule reports when a DDNS update successfully completes | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.Collect.DDNSUpdateSuccess | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1138 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Initialized and Ready | This rule reports when DHCP is ready to service clients | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.Collect.DHCPInitialized | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1024 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP not bound to static IP address | The DHCP service is not servicing any clients because none of the active network interfaces have statically configured IP addresses, or there are no active interfaces. | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.Collect.DHCPNotBoundToStaticIPAddress | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect Init Data Failed Events | This rule reports when DHCP is unable to initialize its global parameters | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.Collect.InitDataFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1002 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect Init Registry Failed Events | This rule reports when the DHCP server failed to initialize its registry parameters | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.Collect.InitRegistryFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1003 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect Registration Failure Events | This rule reports when the DHCP service could not register with the Service Controller | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.Collect.RegistrationFailure | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1001 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect Init RPC Failed Events | This rule reports when the DHCP server failed to start as a RPC server | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.Collect.RPCFail | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1006 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect Script Trace Events | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.Collect.ScriptTraceEvents | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | Health Service Script | False | | | True | Operations Manager |
| Collect Winsock Failed Events | This rule reports when the DHCP server failed to initialize its Winsock data | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.Collect.WinsockFailed | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | EventCollection | True | | | 0 | 1007 | | False | | | True | System |
| Collect DHCP Acks / Second | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.PerformanceCollection.AcksPerSecond | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | DHCP Server | Acks/sec | 300 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect DHCP Active Queue Length | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.PerformanceCollection.ActiveQueueLength | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | DHCP Server | Active Queue Length | 300 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect DHCP Conflict Check Queue Length | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.PerformanceCollection.ConflictCheckQueueLength | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | DHCP Server | Conflict Check Queue Length | 300 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect DHCP Declines / Second | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.PerformanceCollection.DeclinesPerSecond | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | DHCP Server | Declines/sec | 300 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect DHCP Discovers / Second | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.PerformanceCollection.DiscoversPerSecond | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | DHCP Server | Discovers/sec | 300 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect DHCP Duplicates Dropped / Second | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.PerformanceCollection.DuplicatesDroppedPerSecond | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | DHCP Server | Duplicates Dropped/sec | 300 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect DHCP Informs / Second | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.PerformanceCollection.InformsPerSecond | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | DHCP Server | Informs/sec | 300 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect DHCP Average Milliseconds / Packet | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.PerformanceCollection.MillisecondsPerPacketAvg | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | DHCP Server | Milliseconds per packet (Avg). | 300 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect DHCP Nacks / Second | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.PerformanceCollection.NacksPerSecond | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | DHCP Server | Nacks/sec | 300 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect DHCP Offers / Second | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.PerformanceCollection.OffersPerSecond | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | DHCP Server | Offers/sec | 300 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect DHCP Packets Expired / Second | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.PerformanceCollection.PacketsExpiredPerSecond | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | DHCP Server | Packets Expired/sec | 300 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect DHCP Packets Received / Second | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.PerformanceCollection.PacketsReceivedPerSecond | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | DHCP Server | Packets Received/sec | 300 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect DHCP Releases / Second | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.PerformanceCollection.ReleasesPerSecond | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | DHCP Server | Releases/sec | 300 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect DHCP Requests / Second | | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server.PerformanceCollection.RequestsPerSecond | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Server | PerformanceCollection | True | DHCP Server | Requests/sec | 300 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect Free Superscope Addresses | Collect the total number of addresses free in the superscope | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Superscope.CollectFreeSuperscopeAddresses | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Superscope | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Collect Superscope Addresses In Use | Collect the total number of addresses in use within the superscope | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Superscope.CollectSuperscopeAddressesInUse | Microsoft.Windows.DHCPServer.Library.Superscope | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |