| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Category | Enabled | Instance Name | Counter Name | Frequency | Event_ID | Event Source | Alert Generate | Alert Severity | Alert Priority | Remotable | Event Log |
| Mailflow Receive Latency - ExO to Exchange Server (sec) (Hybrid - Light) | This performance rule measures the time in seconds required to receive an email sent from an Exchange Online (ExO) mailbox to an OnPremise mailbox. Executes without the use of PowerShell cmdlets for greater security (Hybrid - Light). | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.22141.MailFlowReceiveLatencyFromExOToOnPremise.Light.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.HybridDeployment | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Mailflow Receive Latency - Exchange Server to ExO (Hybrid - Light) | This performance rule measures the time in seconds required to receive an email sent from an Exchange Server mailbox to an Exchange Online mailbox. Executes without the use of PowerShell cmdlets for greater security: (Hybrid - Light). | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.22151.MailFlowReceiveLatencyFromOnPremiseToExO.Light.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.HybridDeployment | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Free/Busy Test - ExO to Exchange Server (Hybrid) | This performance rule executes a Free/Busy check between an Exchange Online (ExO) mailbox and an Exchange Server OnPremise mailbox. | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.HybridDeployment.2200.FreeBusyCheckFromExOToOnPremise.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.HybridDeployment | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Mailflow Receive Latency from ExO to Exchange Server (sec) (Hybrid) | This performance rule measures the time in seconds required to receive an email sent from an Exchange Online (ExO) mailbox to an OnPremise mailbox. | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.HybridDeployment.2203.MailFlowReceiveLatencyFromExOToOnPremise.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.HybridDeployment | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Mailflow Send Retry - ExO to Exchange Server (Hybrid) | This performance rule counts the number of retries that are required to send an email from an Exchange Online to an OnPremise mailbox. | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.HybridDeployment.2204.MailFlowSendRetryCounterFromExOToOnPremise.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.HybridDeployment | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Free/Busy Test - Exchange Server to ExO (Hybrid) | This performance rule executes a Free/Busy check between an Exchange Server OnPremise mailbox and an Exchange Online mailbox. | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.HybridDeployment.2205.FreeBusyCheckFromOnPremiseExO.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.HybridDeployment | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Mailflow Receive Latency - Exchange Server to ExO (sec) (Hybrid) | This performance rule measures the time in seconds required to receive an email sent from an Exchange Server mailbox to an Exchange Online mailbox. | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.HybridDeployment.2208.MailFlowReceiveLatencyFromOnPremiseToExO.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.HybridDeployment | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Hybrid Mail Submission Queue Message Count | This performance rule reports information about the number of messages in a hybrid mail queue. | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.HybridDeployment.2210.MailSubmissionQueueMessageCount.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.HybridDeployment | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Hybrid Mail Queue Status | This performance rule reports information about the status of the hybrid mail queue. | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.HybridDeployment.2211.MailQueueStatus.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.HybridDeployment | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Hybrid Mail Queue Velocity | This performance rule reports information about the velocity of the hybrid mail queue. | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.HybridDeployment.2212.MailQueueVelocity.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.HybridDeployment | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Number of Incoming Mailbox Migrations (Hybrid) | This performance rule measures the number of mailboxes moving into a specific datacenter (incoming). | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.HybridDeployment.2213.IncomingMailboxMigration.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.HybridDeployment | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Free/Busy Latency - ExO to Exchange Server (msec) (Hybrid) | This performance rule measures the duration, in milliseconds, it takes to perform a Free/Busy check between an Exchange Online (ExO) mailbox and an Exchange Server OnPremise mailbox. | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.HybridDeployment.2216.FreeBusyDurationFromExOToOnPremise.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.HybridDeployment | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Free/Busy Latency - Exchange Server to ExO (msec) (Hybrid) | This performance rule measures the duration, in milliseconds, to perform a Free/Busy check between an Exchange Server OnPremise mailbox and an Exchange Online mailbox. | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.HybridDeployment.2217.FreeBusyDurationFromOnPremiseExO.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.HybridDeployment | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Number of Exchange Server Mailboxes (OnPremise) | This performance rule counts the number of mailboxes configured in Exchange Server (OnPremise). | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.OnPremise.2100.MailboxCount.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.ExchangeOnPremise | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| EWS Response Time in Milliseconds (OnPremise) | This performance rule probes the Exchange Web Service (EWS) of the Exchange Server and measures the response time in milliseconds. | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.OnPremise.2102.EWSResponseTime.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.ExchangeOnPremise | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| AutoDiscover Retrieval Availability (OnPremise) | This performance rule tests the retrieval of autodiscover.xml. | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.OnPremise.2103.AutodiscoverRetrievalCheck.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.ExchangeOnPremise | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Mailbox LogOn Availability (OnPremise) | This performance rule tests the logon to a specified Exchange Server (OnPremise) mailbox. | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.OnPremise.2104.MailboxLogonCheck.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.ExchangeOnPremise | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Mail Submission Queues Status (OnPremise) | This performance rule collects the status of the mail submission queues from Exchange Server (OnPremise). | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.OnPremise.2105.MailSubmissionQueuesStatus.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.ExchangeOnPremise | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Mail Submission Queues Velocity (OnPremise) | This performance rule collects the status of the mail submission queue velocity from Exchange Server (OnPremise). | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.OnPremise.2106.MailSubmissionQueuesVelocity.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.ExchangeOnPremise | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Autodiscover Retrieval Duration (OnPremise) | This performance rule measures the duration of retrieving the autodiscover.xml file. | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.OnPremise.2108.AutodiscoverRetrievalDuration.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.ExchangeOnPremise | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Mailbox Logon Duration (OnPremise) | This performance rule measures the duration of logon on a specified Exchange Server (OnPremise) mailbox. | NiCE.Active.O365.HybridDeployment.OnPremise.2109.MailboxLogonDuration.Performance.Rule | NiCE.Active.O365.Exchange.ExchangeOnPremise | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |