| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Category | Enabled | Instance Name | Counter Name | Frequency | Event_ID | Event Source | Alert Generate | Alert Severity | Alert Priority | Remotable | Event Log |
| Performance Collection: The Backbone EUP Collector Backlog File Count | Performance collection rule for the backlog file count on a collector | TheBackbone.SMP04.Monitoring.Collector.Backlog.rule | TheBackbone.SMP04.Collector.Class | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Performance Collection: The Backbone EUP Perspective Instance Warning Threshold | Performance collection rule for the Warning Threshold set for a perspective instance | TheBackbone.SMP04.Monitoring.Perspective.Instance.LowerThreshold.rule | Microsoft.SystemCenter.AllManagementServersPool | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Performance Collection: The Backbone EUP Perspective Instance Time Measured | Performance collection rule for the measured time for a perspective instance | TheBackbone.SMP04.Monitoring.Perspective.Instance.TimeMeasured.rule | TheBackbone.SMP04.Perspective.Instance.Class | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Performance Collection: The Backbone EUP Perspective Instance Critical Threshold | Performance collection rule for the Critical Threshold set for a perspective instance | TheBackbone.SMP04.Monitoring.Perspective.Instance.UpperThreshold.rule | Microsoft.SystemCenter.AllManagementServersPool | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Performance Collection: The Backbone EUP Perspective Step Warning Threshold | Performance collection rule for the Warning Threshold set for a perspective step | TheBackbone.SMP04.Monitoring.Perspective.Step.LowerThreshold.rule | Microsoft.SystemCenter.AllManagementServersPool | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Performance Collection: The Backbone EUP Perspective Step Time Measured | Performance collection rule for the measured time for a perspective step | TheBackbone.SMP04.Monitoring.Perspective.Step.TimeMeasured.rule | TheBackbone.SMP04.Perspective.Step.Class | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| Performance Collection: The Backbone EUP Perspective Step Critical Threshold | Performance collection rule for the Critical Threshold set for a perspective step | TheBackbone.SMP04.Monitoring.Perspective.Step.UpperThreshold.rule | Microsoft.SystemCenter.AllManagementServersPool | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |