All Rules in Windows.Monitoring.FileSystem Management Pack

 DisplayNameDescriptionIDTargetCategoryEnabledInstance NameCounter NameFrequencyEvent_IDEvent SourceAlert GenerateAlert SeverityAlert PriorityRemotableEvent Log
Windows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FileCountPerformance.CollectionFile Count PerformanceCollects the performance custom counter File Count Performance Performance Data for the number of Files in a Folder (all files in a Folder). Rule is disabled by default.Windows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FileCountPerformance.CollectionWindows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FolderPerformanceCollectionFalse00FalseTrue
Windows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FileShareCreation.AlertFile Share Creation Detection RuleAlerts when a File Share is created on a Server. Rule is disabled by default.Windows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FileShareCreation.AlertMicrosoft.Windows.ComputerAlertFalse00TrueWarningNormalTrue
Windows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FileShareDeletion.AlertFile Share Deletion Detection RuleAlerts when a File Share is deleted on a Server. Rule is disabled by default.Windows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FileShareDeletion.AlertMicrosoft.Windows.ComputerAlertFalse00TrueWarningNormalTrue
Windows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FileShareSMBPerformance.CollectionFile Share PerformanceCollects the performance custom counter SMB Performance. Performance Rule for File Share Latency. There are two overrides: Override to windows computer - The Server that has the shares to be checked. WatcherServer - The Server that will copy the File. This Rule works in the following way. You create an override for the Target Server you need to be monitored and input a remote watcher also in the override. The rule will create a file on the Remote Watcher (this is done automatically), the file size is 977Kb, and it will be copied to all shares of the target computer and the response time to copy the file is recorded into performance data. File Name created is "SMBSharePerformance.bin" and it will be on (c$) of the remote watcher and it will be on all the shares of the Target Server. Rule is disabled by default.Windows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FileShareSMBPerformance.CollectionMicrosoft.Windows.ComputerPerformanceCollectionFalse00FalseTrue
Windows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FileSizePerformanceFile Size Performance RuleCollects the performance custom counter File Size Performance Performance Data for size of the Files in a Folder (all files in a Folder). Rule is disabled by default.Windows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FileSizePerformanceWindows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FolderPerformanceCollectionFalse00FalseTrue
Windows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FolderSizePerformance.CollectionFolder Size PerformanceCollects the performance custom counter Folder Size Performance Performance Data for size of a Folder. Rule is disabled by default.Windows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FolderSizePerformance.CollectionWindows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FolderPerformanceCollectionFalse00FalseTrue
Windows.Monitoring.FileSystem.SingleFilePerformanceSingle File Performance RuleCollects the performance custom counter Single File Size Performance Linked to the File Class. Collects performance Data (File Size) for a single instance (one file only). Monitor is disabled by default.Windows.Monitoring.FileSystem.SingleFilePerformanceWindows.Monitoring.FileSystem.FilePerformanceCollectionFalse00FalseTrue