| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Category | Enabled | Instance Name | Counter Name | Frequency | Event_ID | Event Source | Alert Generate | Alert Severity | Alert Priority | Remotable | Event Log |
| SAP DW Deadline / Deadline items in status ERROR | This rule writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.BPEngine.Deadline.ItemsInError | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW Definition / Incorrect process definition in XI Cache | This rule writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.BPEngine.Definition.XICache | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW Message dispatching / Dispatcher items in status CANCELLED | This rule writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.BPEngine.Dispatching.Canceled | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW Message dispatching / Dispatcher items in status ERROR | This rule writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.BPEngine.Dispatching.Error | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW Eventing / Events in status ERROR | This rule writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.BPEngine.Eventing.Errors | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW Eventing / Event linkages with errors | This rule writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.BPEngine.Eventing.LinkageErrors | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW Process execution / Process instances in status ERROR | This rule writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.BPEngine.ProcessExecution.Errors | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW Process start / Hanging process instances | This rule writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.BPEngine.ProcessExecution.Hanging | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW Process execution / Process interruption caused by locks | This rule writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.BPEngine.ProcessExecution.LockInterrupts | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW Process scheduling / Delayed qRFCs | This rule writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.BPEngine.ProcessScheduling.qRFC.Delayed | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW Process scheduling / qRFCs in status ERROR | This rule writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.BPEngine.ProcessScheduling.qRFC.Error | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW Overall status / Status of the Business Process Engine | This rule writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.BPEngine.Status | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW XML messages / Pending XML messages | This rule writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.BPEngine.XMLMessages.Pending | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW XML messages / Undelivered XML messages | This rule writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.BPEngine.XMLMessages.Undelivered | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW XML messages / Unprocessed XML messages | This rule writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.BPEngine.XMLMessages.Unprocessed | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW IDOC_ADAPTER/Error Frequency | This rule writes SAP Integration Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.IEngine.IDOC_ADAPTER.ErrorFrequency | ozsoft.sap.IEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW INTERNAL / Error Frequency | This rule writes SAP Integration Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.IEngine.INTERNAL.ErrorFrequency | ozsoft.sap.IEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW MAPPING / Error Frequency | This rule writes SAP Integration Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.IEngine.MAPPING.ErrorFrequency | ozsoft.sap.IEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW OUTBINDING / Error Frequency | This rule writes SAP Integration Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.IEngine.OUTBINDING.ErrorFrequency | ozsoft.sap.IEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW PERSIST / Error Frequency | This rule writes SAP Integration Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.IEngine.PERSIST.ErrorFrequency | ozsoft.sap.IEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW PLAINHTTP_ADAPTER / Error Frequency | This rule writes SAP Integration Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.IEngine.PLAINHTTP_ADAPTER.ErrorFrequency | ozsoft.sap.IEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW RCVR_DETERMINATION / Error Frequency | This rule writes SAP Integration Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.IEngine.RCVR_DETERMINATION.ErrorFrequency | ozsoft.sap.IEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW XI Service Availability | This rule writes SAP Integration Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.XIService.Availability | ozsoft.sap.XIService | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| SAP DW Heartbeat Run Status / Scenario Executed Successfull | This rule writes SAP Integration Engine Performance Counter data to DW | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.XIService.Heartbeat.Success | ozsoft.sap.XIService | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| DW SAP Business Process Engines. Deprecated | Writes SAP BP Engine Performance Counters Data to Data Warehouse. The Rule is Deprecated and should not be enabled | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.WritePerformanceDataToDW.BPEngine | ozsoft.sap.BPEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| DW SAP Integration Engines. Deprecated | Writes SAP Integration Engine Performance Counters Data to Data Warehouse. The Rule is Deprecated and should not be enabled | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.WritePerformanceDataToDW.IEngine | ozsoft.sap.IEngine | PerformanceCollection | True | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| DW SAP XI Service. Deprecated | Writes SAP XI Service Performance Counters Data to Data Warehouse. The Rule is Deprecated and should not be enabled | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.WritePerformanceDataToDW.XIService | ozsoft.sap.XIService | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.IEngine.Eventing.Errors | | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.IEngine.Eventing.Errors | ozsoft.sap.IEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |
| ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.IEngine.Messages.TotalWaiting | | ozsoft.sap.xi.Rule.DW.IEngine.Messages.TotalWaiting | ozsoft.sap.IEngine | PerformanceCollection | False | | | 0 | 0 | | False | | | True | |