| Disables rule "Cluster network name resource cannot be brought online due to a timeout" on Windows Server 2016 and 2016 | Disables rule "Cluster network name resource cannot be brought online due to a timeout" on Windows Server 2016 computers since the event was moved to a different channel on that OS. | OverrideForClusterNetworkNameResourceCannotBeBroughtOnlineDueToATimeout.DisableOnR2 | Microsoft.Windows.10.0.Cluster.Monitoring.Service | Microsoft.Windows.10.0.Cluster.Management.Monitoring.Cluster.network.name.resource.cannot.be.brought.online.due.to.a.timeout | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | false | | False |
| Disable rule "Cluster service failed to change the trace log size" on Windows Server 2016 computers | Disable rule "Cluster service failed to change the trace log size" on Windows Server 2016 computers since the event was moved to a different channel on that OS. | OverrideForClusterServiceFailedToChangeTheTraceLogSize.DisableOnR2 | Microsoft.Windows.10.0.Cluster.Monitoring.Service | Microsoft.Windows.10.0.Cluster.Management.Monitoring.Cluster.service.failed.to.change.the.trace.log.size | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | false | | False |