| DisplayName | Description | ID | Context | Target | Type | Property | Value | Category | Enforced |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Application Incompatibility Rule Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Application Incompatibility Rule workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.ApplicationIncompatibility.Rule.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.ApplicationIncompatibility.Rule | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Disk Corruption Failed Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Disk Corruption Failed workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.DiskCorruptionFailed.Rule.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.DiskCorruptionFailed.Rule | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Disk Corruption File Skipped Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Disk Corruption File Skipped workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.DiskCorruptionFileSkipped.Rule.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.DiskCorruptionFileSkipped.Rule | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Disk Corruption Repair Failed Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Disk Corruption Repair Failed workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.DiskCorruptionRepairFailed.Rule.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.DiskCorruptionRepairFailed.Rule | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Disk Corruption Repair Succeeded Need Reboot Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Disk Corruption Repair Succeeded Need Reboot workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.DiskCorruptionRepairSucceededNeedReboot.Rule.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.DiskCorruptionRepairSucceededNeedReboot.Rule | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Disk Corruption Repair Succeeded No Need Reboot Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Disk Corruption Repair Succeeded No Need Reboot workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.DiskCorruptionRepairSucceededNoReboot.Rule.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.DiskCorruptionRepairSucceededNoReboot.Rule | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Disk Failure Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Disk Failure workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.DiskFailure.Rule.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.DiskFailure.Rule | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Memory Exhaustion Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Memory Exhaustion workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.MemoryExhaustion.Rule.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.MemoryExhaustion.Rule | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Memory Failure Detected Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Memory Failure Detected workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.MemoryFailureFailureDetected.Rule.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.MemoryFailureFailureDetected.Rule | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Memory Failure Test Cancelled Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Memory Failure Test Cancelled workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.MemoryFailureTestCancelled.Rule.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.MemoryFailureTestCancelled.Rule | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Memory Failure Test Failed Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Memory Failure Test Failed workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.MemoryFailureTestFailed.Rule.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Computer.MemoryFailureTestFailed.Rule | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Avg Disk Queue Length Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Avg Disk Queue Length workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.AvgDiskQueueLength.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.AvgDiskQueueLength.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Avg Disk Sec Per Read Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Avg Disk Sec Per Read workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.AvgDiskSecPerRead.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.AvgDiskSecPerRead.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Avg Disk Sec Per Transfer Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Avg Disk Sec Per Transfer workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.AvgDiskSecPerTransfer.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.AvgDiskSecPerTransfer.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Avg Disk Sec Per Write Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Avg Disk Sec Per Write workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.AvgDiskSecPerWrite.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.AvgDiskSecPerWrite.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Current Disk Queue Length Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Current Disk Queue Length workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.CurrentDiskQueueLength.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.CurrentDiskQueueLength.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Bytes Per Sec Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Bytes Per Sec workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.DiskBytesPerSec.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.DiskBytesPerSec.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Reads Per Sec Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Reads Per Sec workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.DiskReadsPerSec.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.DiskReadsPerSec.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Writes Per Sec Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Writes Per Sec workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.DiskWritesPerSec.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.DiskWritesPerSec.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Free MB Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk Free MB workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.FreeMB.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.FreeMB.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk FreeSpace Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Logical Disk FreeSpace workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.FreeSpace.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.LogicalDisk.FreeSpace.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Network Adapter Bytes Received Per Sec Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Network Adapter Bytes Received Per Sec workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.NetworkAdapter.BytesReceivedPerSec.Collection.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.NetworkAdapter.BytesReceivedPerSec.Collection.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Network Adapter Bytes Sent Per Sec Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Network Adapter Bytes Sent Per Sec workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.NetworkAdapter.BytesSentPerSec.Collection.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.NetworkAdapter.BytesSentPerSec.Collection.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Network Adapter Bytes Total Per Sec Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Network Adapter Bytes Total Per Sec workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.NetworkAdapter.BytesTotalPerSec.Collection.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.NetworkAdapter.BytesTotalPerSec.Collection.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Network Adapter Disconnected Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Network Adapter Disconnected workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.NetworkAdapter.NetworkAdapterDisconnected.Alert.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.NetworkAdapter.NetworkAdapterDisconnected.Alert | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Checking File System Occured On Start up Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Checking File System Occured On Start up workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.CheckingFileSystemOccuredOnStartup.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.CheckingFileSystemOccuredOnStartup.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Clean Shut down Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Clean Shut down workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.CleanShutdown.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.CleanShutdown.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Dirty Shut down Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Dirty Shut down workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.DirtyShutdown.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.DirtyShutdown.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System EventLog Full Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System EventLog Full workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.EventLogFull.Alert.MissionCritical.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.EventLogFull.Alert.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Event Log Full Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Event Log Full workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.EventLogFull.Alert.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.EventLogFull.Alert | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System IP Address Conflict Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System IP Address Conflict workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.IPAddressConflict.Alert.MissionCritical.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.IPAddressConflict.Alert.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System IP Address Conflict Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System IP Address Conflict workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.IPAddressConflict.Alert.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.IPAddressConflict.Alert | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System LDM Cant Read Disk Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System LDM Cant Read Disk workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.LDMCantReadDisk.Alert.MissionCritical.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.LDMCantReadDisk.Alert.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System LDM Cant Read Disk Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System LDM Cant Read Disk workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.LDMCantReadDisk.Alert.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.LDMCantReadDisk.Alert | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Memory Available MBytes Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Memory Available MBytes workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.MemoryAvailableMBytes.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.MemoryAvailableMBytes.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Memory Page Reads Per Sec Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Memory Page Reads Per Sec workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.MemoryPageReadsPerSec.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.MemoryPageReadsPerSec.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Memory Page Per Sec Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Memory Page Per Sec workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.MemoryPagesPerSec.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.MemoryPagesPerSec.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Memory Page Writes Per Sec Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Memory Page Writes Per Sec workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.MemoryPageWritesPerSec.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.MemoryPageWritesPerSec.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Memory Per cent Committed Bytes In Use Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Memory Per cent Committed Bytes In Use workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.MemoryPercentCommittedBytesInUse.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.MemoryPercentCommittedBytesInUse.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Memory Pool Non Paged Bytes Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Memory Pool Non Paged Bytes workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.MemoryPoolNonPagedBytes.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.MemoryPoolNonPagedBytes.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Memory Pool Paged Bytes Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Memory Pool Paged Bytes workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.MemoryPoolPagedBytes.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.MemoryPoolPagedBytes.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System NTFS Delayed Write Lost Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System NTFS Delayed Write Lost workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.NTFSDelayedWriteLost.Alert.MissionCritical.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.NTFSDelayedWriteLost.Alert.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System NTFS Delayed Write Lost Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System NTFS Delayed Write Lost workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.NTFSDelayedWriteLost.Alert.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.NTFSDelayedWriteLost.Alert | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System NTFS File System Corrupt Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System NTFS File System Corrupt workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.NTFSFileSystemCorrupt.Alert.MissionCritical.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.NTFSFileSystemCorrupt.Alert.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System NTFS File System Corrupt Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System NTFS File System Corrupt workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.NTFSFileSystemCorrupt.Alert.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.NTFSFileSystemCorrupt.Alert | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System NTFS Quota Threshold Limit Reached Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System NTFS Quota Threshold Limit Reached workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.NTFSQuotaThresholdLimitReached.Collection.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.NTFSQuotaThresholdLimitReached.Collection.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System NTFS Quota Threshold Reached Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System NTFS Quota Threshold Reached workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.NTFSQuotaThresholdReached.Collection.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.NTFSQuotaThresholdReached.Collection.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Page File Percent Usage Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Page File Percent Usage workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.PageFilePercentUsage.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.PageFilePercentUsage.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Perf Counter Data Request TimeOut Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Perf Counter Data Request TimeOut workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.PerfCounterDataRequestTimeOut.Alert.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.PerfCounterDataRequestTimeOut.Alert.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Performance Registry Corruption Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Performance Registry Corruption workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.PerformanceRegistryCorruption.Alert.MissionCritical.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.PerformanceRegistryCorruption.Alert.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Performance Registry Corruption Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Performance Registry Corruption workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.PerformanceRegistryCorruption.Alert.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.PerformanceRegistryCorruption.Alert | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Reboot From Bug Check Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Reboot From Bug Check workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.RebootFromBugCheck.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.RebootFromBugCheck.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Restart Event Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Restart Event workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.RestartEvent.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.RestartEvent.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Entered Unpredictable State Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Entered Unpredictable State workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceEnteredUnpredictableState.Alert.MissionCritical.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceEnteredUnpredictableState.Alert.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Entered Unpredictable State Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Entered Unpredictable State workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceEnteredUnpredictableState.Alert.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceEnteredUnpredictableState.Alert | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Misconfigured Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Misconfigured workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceMisconfigured.Alert.MissionCritical.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceMisconfigured.Alert.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Misconfigured Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Misconfigured workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceMisconfigured.Alert.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceMisconfigured.Alert | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Or Driver Failed To Start Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Or Driver Failed To Start workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceOrDriverFailedToStart.Alert.MissionCritical.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceOrDriverFailedToStart.Alert.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Or Driver Failed To Start Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Or Driver Failed To Start workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceOrDriverFailedToStart.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceOrDriverFailedToStart.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Terminated Unexpectedly Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Terminated Unexpectedly workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceTerminatedUnexpextedly.Alert.MissionCritical.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceTerminatedUnexpextedly.Alert.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Terminated Unexpectedly Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Service Terminated Unexpectedly workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceTerminatedUnexpextedly.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ServiceTerminatedUnexpextedly.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Share Configuration Invalid Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Share Configuration Invalid workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ShareConfigurationInvalid.Alert.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ShareConfigurationInvalid.Alert.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Share Configuration Invalid Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Share Configuration Invalid workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ShareConfigurationInvalid.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.ShareConfigurationInvalid.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Software Update Installation Failed Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Software Update Installation Failed workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.SoftwareUpdateInstallationFailed.Alert.MissionCritical.MissionCritical.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.SoftwareUpdateInstallationFailed.Alert.MissionCritical | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Software Update Installation Failed Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Software Update Installation Failed workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.SoftwareUpdateInstallationFailed.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.SoftwareUpdateInstallationFailed.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Software Updates Installed Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Software Updates Installed workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.SoftwareUpdatesInstalled.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.SoftwareUpdatesInstalled.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Software Updates Scheduled For Installation Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Software Updates Scheduled For Installation workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.SoftwareUpdatesScheduledForInstallation.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.SoftwareUpdatesScheduledForInstallation.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Context Switches Per Sec Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Context Switches Per Sec workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.SystemContextSwitchesPerSec.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.SystemContextSwitchesPerSec.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Processor Queue Length Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Processor Queue Length workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.SystemProcessorQueueLength.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.SystemProcessorQueueLength.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Total Percent DPC Time Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Total Percent DPC Time workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.TotalPercentDPCTime.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.TotalPercentDPCTime.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Total Percent Interrupt Time Override collection rule for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Total Percent Interrupt Time workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.TotalPercentInterruptTime.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.TotalPercentInterruptTime.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Total Percent Processor Time Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Operating System Total Percent Processor Time workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.TotalPercentProcessorTime.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.OperatingSystem.TotalPercentProcessorTime.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Avg Disk Queue Length Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Avg Disk Queue Length workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.AvgDiskQueueLength.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.AvgDiskQueueLength.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Avg Disk Sec Per Read Collection Rule Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Avg Disk Sec Per Read workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.AvgDiskSecPerRead.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.AvgDiskSecPerRead.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Avg Disk Sec Per Transfer Override for Business Critical computers | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Avg Disk Sec Per Transfer workflow to enable alerts for Business Critical computers. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.AvgDiskSecPerTransfer.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.AvgDiskSecPerTransfer.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Avg Disk Sec Per Write collection rule Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Avg Disk Sec Per Write workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.AvgDiskSecPerWrite.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.AvgDiskSecPerWrite.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Current Disk Queue Length Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Current Disk Queue Length workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.CurrentDiskQueueLength.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.CurrentDiskQueueLength.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Disk Bytes Per Sec Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Disk Bytes Per Sec workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.DiskBytesPerSec.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.DiskBytesPerSec.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Disk Reads Per Sec Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Disk Reads Per Sec workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.DiskReadsPerSec.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.DiskReadsPerSec.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Disk Writes Per Sec Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Physical Disk Disk Writes Per Sec workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.DiskWritesPerSec.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.PhysicalDisk.DiskWritesPerSec.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Processor Percent DPC Time collection rule Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Processor Percent DPC Time workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Processor.PercentDPCTime.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Processor.PercentDPCTime.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Processor Percent Interrupt Time Collection rule Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Processor Percent Interrupt Time workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Processor.PercentInterruptTime.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Processor.PercentInterruptTime.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |
| Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 Processor Percent Processor Time Override for Mission Critical | This will override Windows 8 and 8.1 Processor Percent Processor Time workflow to enable for Business Critical Windows 8 and 8.1 computers group. | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Processor.PercentProcessorTime.Collection.Override | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.BusinessCriticalClient.ComputerGroup | Microsoft.Windows.Client.Win8.Processor.PercentProcessorTime.Collection | RulePropertyOverride | Enabled | true | | False |