All Secure References in Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.Library Management Pack

Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.DiscoveryMicrosoft SQL Server Discovery Run As ProfileThis profile is used for discovery of Microsoft SQL Server objects.Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.DiscoverySystem.EntityPublic
Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.MonitoringMicrosoft SQL Server Monitoring Run As ProfileThis profile is used for monitoring of Microsoft SQL Server objects.Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.MonitoringSystem.EntityPublic
Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.SDKMicrosoft SQL Server SCOM SDK Run As ProfileThis profile is used for running SQL Server MP workflows that need access to SCOM SDK.Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.SDKSystem.EntityPublic
Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.SqlCredentialsMicrosoft SQL Server SQL Credentials Run As ProfileThis profile is used for authentication against Microsoft SQL Server instances using SQL Credentials. Do not bind a domain account to this Run As profile.Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.SqlCredentialsSystem.EntityPublic
Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.TaskMicrosoft SQL Server Task Run As ProfileThis profile is used to run Microsoft SQL Server server-based tasks.Microsoft.SQLServer.Core.RunAs.TaskSystem.EntityPublic