All Secure References in Microsoft.Unix.Library Management Pack

Microsoft.Unix.ActionAccountUnix Action AccountThis account is used for low privilege Unix and Linux access.Microsoft.Unix.ActionAccountSystem.EntityPublic
Microsoft.Unix.CertSigningAccountCertificate Signing AccountThis Windows account is used for signing the certificates used to secure communicate between Operations Manager and managed Unix and Linux computers. This Windows account must be a member of the Administrators group on the Management Servers. If this RunAs Profile is not populated the Default Action Account will be used.Microsoft.Unix.CertSigningAccountSystem.EntityPublic
Microsoft.Unix.PrivilegedAccountUnix Privileged AccountThis account is used for accessing protected Unix and Linux resources and actions that require high privileges. Without this account some rules, diagnostics and recoveries will not work.Microsoft.Unix.PrivilegedAccountMicrosoft.Unix.ComputerPublic