All Secure References in Microsoft.Unix.Library Management Pack

Microsoft.Unix.ActionAccountUNIX/Linux Action AccountThis account is used for low privilege UNIX and Linux access.Microsoft.Unix.ActionAccountSystem.EntityPublic
Microsoft.Unix.AgentMaintenanceAccountUNIX/Linux Agent Maintenance AccountThis account is used for privileged maintenance operations for UNIX and Linux agents. Without this account agent maintenance operations will not work.Microsoft.Unix.AgentMaintenanceAccountMicrosoft.Unix.ComputerPublic
Microsoft.Unix.CertSigningAccountCertificate Signing AccountThis Windows account is used for signing the certificates used to secure communicate between Operations Manager and managed UNIX and Linux computers. This Windows account must be a member of the Administrators group on the Management Servers. If this Run As Profile is not populated the Default Action Account will be used.Microsoft.Unix.CertSigningAccountSystem.EntityPublic
Microsoft.Unix.PrivilegedAccountUNIX/Linux Privileged AccountThis account is used for accessing protected UNIX and Linux resources and actions that require high privileges. Without this account some rules, diagnostics and recoveries will not work.Microsoft.Unix.PrivilegedAccountMicrosoft.Unix.ComputerPublic