| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Accessibility | Category | Enabled | Remotable | Timeout |
| IPHTTS_Gateway_Start_IPHelper_Service | This task can be used to start the IP Helper service when it is in stop state. IP Helper service is critical to the proper functioning of the IPHTTPS Gateway | IPHTTS_Gateway_Start_IPHelper_Service | IPHTTPS_Gateway_Class | Public | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| ISATAPRouter_Start_IPHelper_Service | This task can be used to start the IP Helper service when it is in stop state. IP Helper service is critical to the proper functioning of the ISATAP Router | ISATAPRouter_Start_IPHelper_Service | ISATAP_Router_Class | Public | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| Network_Security_Start_BFE_Service | This task can be used to start the BFE service when it is in stop state. BFE service is critical to the proper functioning of the Network Security component | Network_Security_Start_BFE_Service | Network_Security_Class | Public | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| Network_Security_Start_IKEEXT_Service | This task can be used to start the IKEEXT service when it is in stop state. IKEEXT service is critical to the proper functioning of the Network Security component | Network_Security_Start_IKEEXT_Service | Network_Security_Class | Public | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| Router6to4_Start_IPHelper_Service | This task can be used to start the IP Helper service when it is in stop state. IP Helper service is critical to the proper functioning of the 6to4 Router | Router6to4_Start_IPHelper_Service | Router_6to4_Class | Public | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| TeredoRelay_Start_IPHelper_Service | This task can be used to start the IP Helper service when it is in stop state. IP Helper service is critical to the proper functioning of the Teredo Relay | TeredoRelay_Start_IPHelper_Service | Teredo_Relay_Class | Public | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| TeredoServer_Start_IPHelper_Service | This task can be used to start the IP Helper service when it is in stop state. IP Helper service is critical to the proper functioning of the Teredo server | TeredoServer_Start_IPHelper_Service | Teredo_Server_Class | Public | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |