All Agent Tasks in Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring Management Pack

Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.GetAllServicesAllPackagesRunTime.PackageTaskGet All Package Run Times (single server)This task performs on-demand time checks on package times for all packages on a single server. It checks a script engine package's last processed timestamp and compares it against the current time, then determines if the time delta is within tolerance, or if the delta is above warning or critical time thresholds.Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.GetAllServicesAllPackagesRunTime.PackageTaskMicrosoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.ScriptEnginePackageInternalPerformanceHealthTrueFalse300
Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.GetAllServicesAllPackagesRunTime.RoleTaskGet All Package Run Times (single server)This task performs on-demand time checks on package times for all packages on a single server. It checks a script engine package's last processed timestamp and compares it against the current time, then determines if the time delta is within tolerance, or if the delta is above warning or critical time thresholds.Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.GetAllServicesAllPackagesRunTime.RoleTaskMicrosoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.ScriptEngineServerInternalPerformanceHealthTrueFalse300
Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.GetAllServicesAllPackagesRunTime.ServiceTaskGet All Package Run Times (single server)This task performs on-demand time checks on package times for all packages on a single server. It checks a script engine package's last processed timestamp and compares it against the current time, then determines if the time delta is within tolerance, or if the delta is above warning or critical time thresholds.Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.GetAllServicesAllPackagesRunTime.ServiceTaskMicrosoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.ScriptEngineServiceNodeInternalPerformanceHealthTrueFalse300
Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.GetSinglePackageRunTime.PackageTaskGet Package Run Time (single package)This task performs on-demand time checks on package times for one specific package. It checks a script engine package's last processed timestamp and compares it against the current time, then determines if the time delta is within tolerance, or if the delta is above warning or critical time thresholds.Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.GetSinglePackageRunTime.PackageTaskMicrosoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.ScriptEnginePackageInternalPerformanceHealthTrueFalse300
Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.GetSingleServiceAllPackagesRunTime.PackageTaskGet Package Run Times (single service)This task performs on-demand time checks on package times for all packages hosted by a single service instance. It checks a script engine package's last processed timestamp and compares it against the current time, then determines if the time delta is within tolerance, or if the delta is above warning or critical time thresholds.Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.GetSingleServiceAllPackagesRunTime.PackageTaskMicrosoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.ScriptEnginePackageInternalPerformanceHealthTrueFalse300
Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.GetSingleServiceAllPackagesRunTime.ServiceTaskGet Package Run Times (single service)This task performs on-demand time checks on package times for all packages hosted by a single service instance. It checks a script engine package's last processed timestamp and compares it against the current time, then determines if the time delta is within tolerance, or if the delta is above warning or critical time thresholds.Microsoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.Monitoring.GetSingleServiceAllPackagesRunTime.ServiceTaskMicrosoft.Amalga.UIS.2009.ScriptEngineServiceNodeInternalPerformanceHealthTrueFalse300