| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Accessibility | Category | Enabled | Remotable | Timeout |
| Start Exchange ADAM | This task starts the service that provides Microsoft Exchange ADAM service. | Microsoft.Exchange2007.Edge.Task.ADAMMSExchange.Start | Microsoft.Exchange2007.ServerRole.Transport.Edge | Internal | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| Stop Exchange ADAM | This task stops the service that provides Microsoft Exchange ADAM service. | Microsoft.Exchange2007.Edge.Task.ADAMMSExchange.Stop | Microsoft.Exchange2007.ServerRole.Transport.Edge | Internal | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| Start Exchange Edge Credential | This task starts the service that provides Microsoft Exchange Credential Service. | Microsoft.Exchange2007.Edge.Task.EdgeCredential.Start | Microsoft.Exchange2007.ServerRole.Transport.Edge | Internal | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| Stop Exchange Edge Credential | This task stops the service that provides Microsoft Exchange Credential Service. | Microsoft.Exchange2007.Edge.Task.EdgeCredential.Stop | Microsoft.Exchange2007.ServerRole.Transport.Edge | Internal | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |