| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Accessibility | Category | Enabled | Remotable | Timeout |
| Reserved | This task creates an AEM File Share and an HTTP Error Listener. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.CM.AEM.UITasks.CrashListenerCreator | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ManagementServer | Internal | Operations | True | False | 300 |
| Fix permission for AEM | This task adds the run-as account associated with Client Monitoring Action Account to the AEMAgent group. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.CM.AEM.UITasks.PermissionsFixer | Microsoft.SystemCenter.CM.AEM.CrashListener | Internal | Operations | True | False | 300 |
| Reserved | This task is used by the Discovery Wizard. It will not function correctly when run directly from knowledge or the actions pane. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.DiscoverComputersFromAD | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ManagementServer | Internal | System | True | False | 0 |
| Reserved | This task is used by the Discovery Wizard. It will not function correctly when run directly from knowledge or the actions pane. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.DiscoverComputersFromBrowseList | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ManagementServer | Internal | System | True | False | 0 |
| Check Health Service Startup Configuration Diagnostic Task (used by Health Explorer) | Check Health Service Startup Configuration diagnostic task that runs from the Primary Management Server of a Health Service. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService.DiagnosticTask.DiagnoseAndStartHealthService | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ManagementServer | Internal | Maintenance | False | False | 60 |
| Ping Computer Diagnostic Task (used by Health Explorer) | Ping Computer diagnostic task that runs from the Primary Management Server of a Health Service. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService.DiagnosticTask.ICMPPingDiagnostic | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ManagementServer | Internal | Maintenance | False | False | 15 |
| Reinstall Health Service Recovery Task (used by Health Explorer) | Reinstall Health Service recovery task that runs from the Primary Management Server of a Health Service. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService.RecoveryTask.ReinstallAgent | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ManagementServer | Internal | Maintenance | False | False | 600 |
| Restart Health Service Recovery Task (used by Health Explorer) | Restart Health Service recovery task that runs from the Primary Management Server of a Health Service. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService.RecoveryTask.RemotelyEnableAndRestartHealthService | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ManagementServer | Internal | Maintenance | False | False | 60 |
| Reserved | This task is used by the Discovery Wizard. It will not function correctly when run directly from knowledge or the actions pane. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.NetworkDevice.SnmpDiscoveryTask | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ManagementServer | Internal | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| Reserved | This task is used by the Discovery Wizard. It will not function correctly when run directly from knowledge or the actions pane. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.PushAgentInstaller | Microsoft.SystemCenter.ManagementServer | Internal | System | True | False | 0 |
| Reserved | Use this task to test the connection of a specified connection string. It will not function correctly when directly run from the knowledge or the actions pane. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.SyntheticTransactions.OleDbPing | Microsoft.SystemCenter.AllManagementServersPool | Internal | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| Reserved | Use this task to connect to a TCP Port. It will not function correctly when directly run from the knowledge or the actions pane. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.SyntheticTransactions.TCPPortPing | Microsoft.SystemCenter.AllManagementServersPool | Internal | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| Reserved | This task is used by the Web Application MP Template wizard. It will not function correctly when directly run from the knowledge or the actions pane. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.WebApplication.GetWebPage | Microsoft.SystemCenter.AllManagementServersPool | Internal | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| Reserved | This task is used to issue requests to a web application. It will not function correctly when directly run from the knowledge or the actions pane. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.WebApplication.WebApp | Microsoft.SystemCenter.AllManagementServersPool | Internal | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |