| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Accessibility | Category | Enabled | Remotable | Timeout |
| Launch DFSRADMIN | This task executes the DFS Replication service's administration tool dfsradmin.exe with a customizable set of command-line parameters. | Microsoft.Windows.DfsReplication.DfsrAdminAgentTask | Microsoft.Windows.DfsReplication.Service | Public | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| Launch DFSRDIAG | This task executes the DFS Replication service's diagnostics tool dfsrdiag.exe with a customizable set of command-line parameters. | Microsoft.Windows.DfsReplication.DfsrDiagAgentTask | Microsoft.Windows.DfsReplication.Service | Public | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| DFS Replication service Status | This task queries the current status of the DFS Replication service on the monitored computer. | Microsoft.Windows.DfsReplication.ServiceQueryStatusAgentTask | Microsoft.Windows.DfsReplication.Service | Public | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| Start DFS Replication service | This task starts the DFS Replication service on the monitored computer. | Microsoft.Windows.DfsReplication.ServiceStartAgentTask | Microsoft.Windows.DfsReplication.Service | Public | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |
| Stop DFS Replication service | This task stops the DFS Replication service on the monitored computer. | Microsoft.Windows.DfsReplication.ServiceStopAgentTask | Microsoft.Windows.DfsReplication.Service | Public | Maintenance | True | False | 300 |