| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Accessibility | Category | Enabled | Remotable | Timeout |
| Add User to Admins | Task that adds a user or group of your choice to the local Administrators group on target computer. (Requires you to update the script with the name of the user or group you want to add to local Administrators). | SCC.Windows.Admin.Tasks.AddToAdmin | Microsoft.Windows.Computer | Public | Operations | True | False | 300 |
| Clear ARP Cache | Performs and "arp -d *" on the target computer | SCC.Windows.Admin.Tasks.ClearArpCache | Microsoft.Windows.Computer | Public | Operations | True | False | 300 |
| Display ARP Cache | Performs an 'arp -a' on the target computer | SCC.Windows.Admin.Tasks.DisplayArpCache | Microsoft.Windows.Computer | Public | Operations | True | False | 300 |
| RSoP | Performs "GPResult /R" on target computer | SCC.Windows.Admin.Tasks.GPResultStd | Microsoft.Windows.Computer | Public | Operations | True | False | 300 |
| RSoP (Verbose) | Performs "GPResult /V" on target computer to retrieve group policy settings in verbose format. | SCC.Windows.Admin.Tasks.GPResultVerbose | Microsoft.Windows.Computer | Public | Operations | True | False | 300 |
| Reapply Group Policy Now (Force) | Performs a "GPUpdate /force" to immediately re-apply group policies to the target computer. | SCC.Windows.Admin.Tasks.GPUpdate | Microsoft.Windows.Computer | Public | Operations | True | False | 300 |
| WUA: Install Updates NOW! | Installs updates downloaded and ready for install on the target computer (managed through WSUS) using the undocumented wuauclt /updatenow flag | SCC.Windows.Admin.Tasks.InstallUpdates | Microsoft.Windows.Computer | Public | Operations | True | False | 300 |
| WUA: List Installed Updates | Retrieves a list of installed updates for a target computer. | SCC.Windows.Admin.Tasks.ListUpdates | Microsoft.Windows.Computer | Public | Operations | True | False | 300 |
| Reboot NOW | Reboots the computer using Shutdown /R | SCC.Windows.Admin.Tasks.RebootNow | Microsoft.Windows.Computer | Public | Operations | True | False | 300 |
| SCCM: Evaluate Machine Policy | Forces the SCCM client agent to retrieve and evaluate machine policy on demand. | SCC.Windows.Admin.Tasks.SCCMMachinePolicyEval. | Microsoft.Windows.Computer | Public | Operations | True | False | 300 |