| AcerServerOOBP.PromiseRAIDCriticalMonitor | This Unit Monitor fetches the health state of RAID. The health state can be one of the following two types: Healthy, Critical. The state will be critical when some RAID problem occurs. You must reset the state to healthy manually when the RAID problem is solved. | AcerServerOOBP.PromiseRAIDCriticalMonitor | Acer.Server.OOB.Server | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Custom | True | | | 0 | False | | | False | System.SnmpTrapProvider.SingleEventManualReset2StateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| AcerServerOOBP.PromiseRAIDMonitor | This Unit Monitor fetches the health state of RAID. The health state can be one of the following two types: Healthy, Warning. The state will be warning when some RAID problem occurs. You must reset the state to healthy manually when the RAID problem is solved. | AcerServerOOBP.PromiseRAIDMonitor | Acer.Server.OOB.Server | System.Health.AvailabilityState | Custom | True | | | 0 | False | | | False | System.SnmpTrapProvider.SingleEventManualReset2StateMonitorType | True | Public | |