| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Parent Monitor | Category | Enabled | Instance Name | Counter Name | Frequency | Alert Generate | Alert Severity | Alert Priority | Alert Auto Resolve | Monitor Type | Remotable | Accessibility | RunAs |
| Avg. User Logon Authentication Time | Monitors average user logon authentication time (in seconds) for a delivery group. Authentication time is the time taken to complete authentication to the remote session. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageAuthenticationTime.Monitor | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.UnitMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Avg. User Logon Brokering Time | Monitors average user logon brokering time (in seconds) for a delivery group. This is the time taken to complete the process of brokering the session. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageBrokeringTime.Monitor | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.UnitMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Avg. User Logon Duration | Monitors average user logon duration (in seconds) for a delivery group. Total logon duration is the elapsed time from the point when a user launches a desktop or application via Storefront to the point when a user can start using it. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageCompleteDuration.Monitor | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.UnitMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Avg. User Logon GPOs Time | Monitors average user logon GPOs time (in seconds) for a delivery group. During this phase the desktop/server machine applies user settings defined on the Domain Controller. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageGPOsTime.Monitor | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.UnitMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Avg. User Logon HDX Connection Time | Monitors average user logon HDX connection time for a delivery group. This is the time taken to complete the steps required in setting up the HDX connection from the client to the VM. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageHDXConnectionTime.Monitor | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.UnitMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Avg. User Logon Interactive Session Time | Monitors average user logon interactive session time (in seconds) for a delivery group. The logon phase covers Citrix specific activity before it launches the requested application: launching seamless windows engine shell, auto creation of client printers and ICA client update process. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageInteractiveSessionTime.Monitor | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.UnitMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Avg. User Logon Scripts Execution Time | Monitors average user logon scripts execution time (in seconds) for a delivery group. This logon phase covers the time taken for the logon scripts to be executed. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageLogonScriptsTime.Monitor | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.UnitMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Avg. User Logon Profile Load Time | Monitors average user logon profile load time (in seconds) for a delivery group. The logon phase starts just after the user credentials are validated and lasts until the profile is downloaded from the profile storage (network share). | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageProfileLoadTime.Monitor | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.UnitMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Avg. User Logon VM Start Time | Monitors average user logon VM start time (in seconds) for a delivery group. This is the time taken to start a VM. | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.AverageVMStartTime.Monitor | ComTrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.DeliveryGroup | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | Comtrade.Citrix.XenDesktop.EndUser.DeliveryGroup.Logons.UnitMonitorType | True | Public | |