All Unit Monitors in DirectAccess_Server Management Pack

 DisplayNameDescriptionIDTargetParent MonitorCategoryEnabledInstance NameCounter NameFrequencyAlert GenerateAlert SeverityAlert PriorityAlert Auto ResolveMonitor TypeRemotableAccessibilityRunAs
DirectAccess_Server_Security_AuthFailuresIPv6_CriticalDirectAccess_Server_Security_AuthFailuresIPv6_CriticalThis alarm indicates that the "Failed Main Mode Negotiations" counter (under the ‘IPsec AuthIP IPv6’ object in perfmon) has exceeded critical levels.DirectAccess_Server_Security_AuthFailuresIPv6_CriticalDirectAccess_Server_ClassSystem.Health.SecurityStateSecurityHealthTrueIPsec AuthIP IPv6Failed Main Mode Negotiations300FalseFalseSystem.Performance.DeltaThresholdTruePublic
DirectAccess_Server_Security_AuthFailuresIPv6_WarningDirectAccess_Server_Security_AuthFailuresIPv6_WarningThis alarm indicates that the "Failed Main Mode Negotiations" counter (under the ‘IPsec AuthIP IPv6’ object in perfmon) has exceeded warning levels. DirectAccess_Server_Security_AuthFailuresIPv6_WarningDirectAccess_Server_ClassSystem.Health.SecurityStateSecurityHealthTrueIPsec AuthIP IPv6Failed Main Mode Negotiations300FalseFalseSystem.Performance.DeltaThresholdTruePublic
IPHTTPS_Gateway_Availability_IPHLPSVCIPHTTPS_Gateway_AvailabilityIPHLPSVCThis is a critical (red) alarm generated because the IP Helper (iphlpsvc) service crashed. The iphlpsvc service provides tunnel connectivity using the Connectivity Platform, IPv6 transition technologies (6to4, ISATAP, Port Proxy, and Teredo), and IP-HTTPS. The alarm is cleared when the service comes back up. If this service is stopped, the computer will not have the enhanced connectivity benefits that these technologies offer. IPHTTPS_Gateway_Availability_IPHLPSVCIPHTTPS_Gateway_ClassSystem.Health.AvailabilityStateAvailabilityHealthTrue0TrueErrorHighTrueMicrosoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorTypeTruePublic
ISATAP_Router_Availability_IPHLPSVCISATAP_Router_AvailabilityIPHLPSVCThis is a critical (red) alarm generated because the IP Helper (iphlpsvc) service crashed.ISATAP_Router_Availability_IPHLPSVCISATAP_Router_ClassSystem.Health.AvailabilityStateAvailabilityHealthTrue0TrueErrorHighTrueMicrosoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorTypeTruePublic
Network_Security_AvailabilityBFENetwork_Security_AvailabilityBFEThis is a critical (red) alarm generated because the Base Filtering Engine (BFE) service crashed. The Base Filtering Engine (BFE) is a service that manages firewall and Internet Protocol security (IPsec) policies and implements user mode filtering. The alarm is cleared when the service comes back up. Disabling the BFE service will significantly reduce the security of the system and will also result in unpredictable behavior in IPsec management and firewall applications. Network_Security_AvailabilityBFENetwork_Security_ClassSystem.Health.AvailabilityStateAvailabilityHealthTrue0TrueErrorHighTrueMicrosoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorTypeTruePublic
Network_Security_AvailabilityIKEEXTNetwork_Security_AvailabilityIKEEXTThis is a critical (red) alarm generated because the IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules (IKEEXT) service crashed. Network_Security_AvailabilityIKEEXTNetwork_Security_ClassSystem.Health.AvailabilityStateAvailabilityHealthTrue0TrueErrorHighTrueMicrosoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorTypeTruePublic
Network_Security_ICMPQueueOverflow_WarningNetwork Security ICMP Queue Overflow WarningThis is a warning (yellow) alarm that is raised when the "Inbound Rate Limit Discarded ICMPv6 Packets/sec" counter (under the ‘IPSec DOS Protection’ object in perfmon) exceeds a defined threshold. "Inbound RateLimit Discarded ICMPv6 Packets/sec" is the rate at which ICMPv6 packets are received on a public interface and discarded because they exceeded the rate limit for ICMPv6 packets per second.Network_Security_ICMPQueueOverflow_WarningNetwork_Security_ClassSystem.Health.PerformanceStatePerformanceHealthTrueIPsec DoS ProtectionInbound Rate Limit Discarded ICMPv6 Packets/sec300FalseTrueSystem.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesThresholdTruePublic
Network_Security_IKEDoSPNetwork Security IKE DoSPThis is a warning (yellow) alarm for potential DoS attack and is raised when "IKE DoS-prevention mode started" event (Event Id: 4646, Event Source: Microsoft Windows security auditing, Event Log Channel: Security) is generated. The alarm is cleared when the same event is generated again.Network_Security_IKEDoSPNetwork_Security_ClassSystem.Health.SecurityStateSecurityHealthTrue0FalseTrueMicrosoft.Windows.2SingleEventLog2StateMonitorTypeTruePublic
Network_Security_QueueOverflow_WarningNetwork Security QueueOverflow WarningThis is a warning (yellow) alarm that is raised when the "Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets/sec" counter (under the ‘IPSec DOS Protection’ object in perfmon) exceeds a defined threshold. "Inbound Rate Limit DiscardedPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets/sec" is the rate at which authenticated IKEv1, IKEv2, AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets are received on a public interface and discarded because they exceed the rate limit for IPv6 IPsec authenticated packets per second. An authenticated packet is an IPsec packet with an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface. Network_Security_QueueOverflow_WarningNetwork_Security_ClassSystem.Health.PerformanceStatePerformanceHealthTrueIPsec DoS ProtectionInbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Authenticated Packets/sec300FalseTrueSystem.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesThresholdTruePublic
Network_Security_RateLimitDiscardUnAuthNetwork Security RateLimitDiscardUnAuthThis is a warning (yellow) alarm indicating that the "Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets/sec" counter (under the ‘IPSec DOS Protection’ object in perfmon) has exceeded a defined threshold. "Inbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets/sec" is the rate at which unauthenticated IKEv1, IKEv2, AuthIP, or ESP IPv6 packets received on a public interface were discarded because they exceeded the rate limit for IPv6 IPsec unauthenticated packets per second. An unauthenticated packet is an IPsec packet without an associated state entry. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface. Network_Security_RateLimitDiscardUnAuthNetwork_Security_ClassSystem.Health.SecurityStateSecurityHealthTrueIPsec DOS ProtectionInbound Rate Limit Discarded IPv6 IPsec Unauthenticated Packets/sec300FalseTrueSystem.Performance.AverageThresholdTruePublic
Network_Security_ReplayAttackNetwork Security ReplayAttackThis is a warning (yellow) alarm that is raised when the "Packets That Failed Replay Detection/sec" counter (under the 'IPsec Driver' object in perfmon) exceeds a defined threshold. "Packets That Failed Replay Detection/sec" is the rate of packets that contained an invalid sequence number since the computer was last started. Increases in this counter might indicate a network problem or replay attack. Network_Security_ReplayAttackNetwork_Security_ClassSystem.Health.SecurityStateSecurityHealthTrueIPsec DriverPackets That Failed Replay Detection/sec300FalseTrueSystem.Performance.AverageThresholdTruePublic
Network_Security_SpoofingAttackNetwork Security SpoofingAttackThis is a warning (yellow) alarm that is raised when the "Incorrect SPI Packets/sec" counter (under the 'IPsec Driver' object in perfmon) exceeds a defined threshold. "Incorrect SPI Packets/sec" is the rate of packets for which the Security Parameter Index (SPI) was incorrect since the computer was last started. A large number of packets with bad SPIs within a short amount of time might indicate a packet spoofing attack.Network_Security_SpoofingAttackNetwork_Security_ClassSystem.Health.SecurityStateSecurityHealthTrueIPsec DriverIncorrect SPI Packets/sec300FalseTrueSystem.Performance.AverageThresholdTruePublic
Network_Security_StateUtil_CriticalNetwork Security State Utilization critical levelThis alarm indicates that the "Current State Entries" counter (under the ‘IPSec DOS Protection’ object in perfmon) has exceeded critical levels. "Current state Entries" is the number of active state entries in the table. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.Network_Security_StateUtil_CriticalNetwork_Security_ClassSystem.Health.ConfigurationStateConfigurationHealthTrueIPsec DOS ProtectionCurrent State Entries300FalseTrueSystem.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesThresholdTruePublic
Network_Security_StateUtil_WarningNetwork Security State utilization warning levelThis alarm indicates that the "Current State Entries" counter (under the ‘IPSec DOS Protection’ object in perfmon) has exceeded warning levels. "Current state Entries" is the number of active state entries in the table. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interfaceNetwork_Security_StateUtil_WarningNetwork_Security_ClassSystem.Health.ConfigurationStateConfigurationHealthTrueIPsec DOS ProtectionCurrent State Entries300FalseTrueSystem.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesThresholdTruePublic
Router_6to4_Availability_IPHLPSVCRouter_6to4_AvailabilityIPHLPSVCThis is a critical (red) alarm generated because the IP Helper (iphlpsvc) service crashed. Router_6to4_Availability_IPHLPSVCRouter_6to4_ClassSystem.Health.AvailabilityStateAvailabilityHealthTrue0TrueErrorHighTrueMicrosoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorTypeTruePublic
Teredo_Relay_Availability_IPHLPSVCTeredo_Relay_AvailabilityIPHLPSVCThis is a critical (red) alarm generated because the IP Helper (iphlpsvc) service crashed. Teredo_Relay_Availability_IPHLPSVCTeredo_Relay_ClassSystem.Health.AvailabilityStateAvailabilityHealthTrue0TrueErrorHighTrueMicrosoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorTypeTruePublic
Teredo_Server_Availability_IPHLPSVCTeredo_Server_AvailabilityIPHLPSVCThis is a critical (red) alarm generated because the IP Helper (iphlpsvc) service crashed. The iphlpsvc service provides tunnel connectivity using the Connectivity Platform, IPv6 transition technologies (6to4, ISATAP, Port Proxy, and Teredo),and IP-HTTPS. The alarm is cleared when the service comes back up. If this service is stopped, the computer will not have the enhanced connectivity benefits that these technologies offer.Teredo_Server_Availability_IPHLPSVCTeredo_Server_ClassSystem.Health.AvailabilityStateAvailabilityHealthTrue0TrueErrorHighTrueMicrosoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorTypeTruePublic