| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Parent Monitor | Category | Enabled | Instance Name | Counter Name | Frequency | Alert Generate | Alert Severity | Alert Priority | Alert Auto Resolve | Monitor Type | Remotable | Accessibility | RunAs |
| Repeated 'Power Consumption' Performance Monitor Communication Problem Monitor | This monitor checks if there are multiple communication problems related to retrieving the 'Power Consumption Performance Monitor' information of the Fujitsu Out-Of-Band Server within a defined timespan. | Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.OutOfBand.PerfMon.PowerConsumption.RepeatedCommunicationProblem | Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.OutOfBand.CommunicationMonitor | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.OutOfBand.iRMC.SelfResolvingRepeatedEventsMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Repeated 'Sensor Data Record (SDR)' retrieval Communication Problem Monitor | This monitor checks if there are multiple communication problems related to retrieving the 'Sensor Data Record (SDR)' information of the Fujitsu Out-Of-Band Server within a defined timespan. | Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.OutOfBand.PerfMon.SDR.RepeatedCommunicationProblem | Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.OutOfBand.CommunicationMonitor | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.OutOfBand.iRMC.SelfResolvingRepeatedEventsMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Repeated 'Temperature' Performance Monitor Communication Problem Monitor | This monitor checks if there are multiple communication problems related to retrieving the 'Temperature Performance Monitor' information of the Fujitsu Out-Of-Band Server within a defined timespan. | Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.OutOfBand.PerfMon.Temperature.RepeatedCommunicationProblem | Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.OutOfBand.CommunicationMonitor | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | Fujitsu.Servers.PRIMERGY.OutOfBand.iRMC.SelfResolvingRepeatedEventsMonitorType | True | Public | |