| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Parent Monitor | Category | Enabled | Instance Name | Counter Name | Frequency | Alert Generate | Alert Severity | Alert Priority | Alert Auto Resolve | Monitor Type | Remotable | Accessibility | RunAs |
| Check Mailbox Store Monitor | | Check_Mailbox_Store_Status.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.Databases | System.Health.AvailabilityState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Check_Mailbox_Store_Status.Monitortype | True | Public | |
| Check Services Monitor | | Check_service_state.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.ServerRole.2003 | System.Health.AvailabilityState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Check_service_state.Monitortype | True | Public | |
| Check Services Frontend Monitor | | Check_service_state_frontend.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.ServerRole.2003 | System.Health.AvailabilityState | PerformanceHealth | False | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Check_service_state_frontend.Monitortype | True | Public | |
| Disk Space Monitor | | Disk_space_problem.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.Databases | System.Health.AvailabilityState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | False | | | True | Disk_space_problem.Monitortype | True | Public | |
| Disk Space Monitor (Three States) | | Disk_space_problem.ThreeStates.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.Databases | System.Health.AvailabilityState | PerformanceHealth | False | | | 0 | False | | | True | Disk_space_problem.ThreeStates.Monitortype | True | Internal | |
| EXBPA Run Local Monitor | | EXBPA_Run_Local.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.ApplicationComponent.ExBPA | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | EXBPA_Run_Local.Monitortype | True | Public | |
| EXBPA Run Org Monitor | | EXBPA_Run_Org.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.ApplicationComponent.ExBPA | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | False | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | EXBPA_Run_Org.Monitortype | True | Public | |
| Exchange Active Sync Monitor | | Exchange_ActiveSync_logon_failure.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.Protocol.EAS | System.Health.AvailabilityState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Exchange_ActiveSync_logon_failure.Monitortype | True | Public | |
| Exchange Mail Flow Monitor (Receiver Part) | | Mail_flow_receiver.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.SyntheticTransaction.Mailflow | System.Health.AvailabilityState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Mail_flow_receiver.Monitortype | True | Public | |
| Exchange Mail Flow Monitor (Sender Part) | | Mail_flow_sender.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.SyntheticTransaction.Mailflow | System.Health.AvailabilityState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Mail_flow_sender.Monitortype | True | Public | |
| Exchange MAPI Logon Monitor | | MAPI_logon_failure.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.SyntheticTransaction.MAPILogon | System.Health.AvailabilityState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | MAPI_logon_failure.Monitortype | True | Public | |
| Databases Log Generation Checkpoint Depth Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Databases.ESELogCheckPointDepth | Microsoft.Exchange.Databases | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | Database ==> Instances | Log Generation Checkpoint Depth | 900 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesThreshold | True | Public | |
| LDAP Search Time Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.IS.LDAPSearchTime | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.IS | System.Health.PerformanceState | Custom | True | MSExchangeDSAccess Processes | LDAP Search Time | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesThreshold | True | Public | |
| IS RPC Latency Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.IS.RPCLatency | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.IS | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | False | MSExchangeIS | RPC Averaged Latency | 300 | True | Warning | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| IS RPC Latency Monitor (Consecutive Samples) | | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.IS.RPCLatency.Consecutive | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.IS | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | MSExchangeIS | RPC Averaged Latency | 300 | True | Warning | Normal | True | System.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesThreshold | True | Public | |
| IS RPC Requests Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.IS.RPCRequests | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.IS | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | MSExchangeIS | RPC Requests | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| Microsoft Exchange Information Store Health Monitor | Monitors the health of the Windows service for Microsoft Exchange Information Store | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.IS.ServiceHealth | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.IS | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| IS Virtual Bytes Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.IS.VirtualBytes | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.IS | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | Process | Virtual Bytes | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| Microsoft Exchange Management Health Monitor | Monitors the health of the Windows service for Microsoft Exchange Management | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.Managment.ServiceHealth | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.Managment | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Microsoft Exchange Site Replication Service Monitor | Monitors the health of the Windows service for Microsoft Exchange Site Replication Service | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.Replication.ServiceHealth | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.Replication | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Microsoft Exchange System Attendant Health Monitor | Monitors the health of the Windows service for Microsoft Exchange System Attendant | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.SystemAttendant.ServiceHealth | Microsoft.Exchange.ExchangeComponent.SystemAttendant | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Exchange Active Sync Heartbeat Interval Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Protocol.EAS.HeartbeatInterval | Microsoft.Exchange.Protocol.EAS | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync | Ping: Last Heartbeat Interval | 300 | True | Warning | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 Service Monitor | Monitors the health of the Windows service for Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 Service | Microsoft.Exchange.Protocol.IMAP4.ServiceHealth | Microsoft.Exchange.Protocol.IMAP4 | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Outlook Mobile Access Last Response Time Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Protocol.OMA.LastResponseTime | Microsoft.Exchange.Protocol.OMA | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | MSExchangeOMA | Last response time | 300 | True | Warning | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| Microsoft Exchange POP3 Service Monitor | Monitors the health of the Windows service for Microsoft Exchange POP3 Service | Microsoft.Exchange.Protocol.POP3.ServiceHealth | Microsoft.Exchange.Protocol.POP3 | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Service Monitor | Monitors the health of the Windows service for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Service | Microsoft.Exchange.Protocol.SMTP.ServiceHealth | Microsoft.Exchange.Protocol.SMTP | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Microsoft Exchange MTA Stacks Service Monitor | Monitors the health of the Windows service forMicrosoft Exchange MTA Stacks Service | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.MTA.ServiceHealth | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.MTA | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| IS from MTA Message Queue Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.ISfromMTAMessageQueue | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | MSExchangeIS Transport Driver | Current message from MSExchangeMTA | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| IS to MTA Message Queue Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.IStoMTAMessageQueue | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | MSExchangeIS Transport Driver | Current messages to MSExchangeMTA | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| IS Transport Temp Table Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.ISTransportTempTable | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | False | MSExchangeIS Transport Driver | TempTable Current | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| IS Transport Temp Table Monitor (Consecutive Samples) | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.ISTransportTempTable.Consecutive | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | MSExchangeIS Transport Driver | TempTable Current | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesThreshold | True | Internal | |
| MB Store Receive Queue Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.MBStoreReceiveQueue | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | MSExchangeIS Mailbox | Receive Queue Size | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| MB Store Send Queue Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.MBStoreSendQueue | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | False | MSExchangeIS Mailbox | Send Queue Size | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| MB Store Send Queue Monitor (Consecutive Samples) | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.MBStoreSendQueue.Consecutive | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | MSExchangeIS Mailbox | Send Queue Size | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesThreshold | True | Internal | |
| MTA Queue Length per Connection Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.MTAPerConnectionQueue | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | Custom | True | MSExchangeMTA Connections | Queue Length | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesThreshold | True | Public | |
| MTA Work Queue Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.MTAWorkQueue | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | MSExchangeMTA | Work Queue Length | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| Public Folder Receive Queue Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.PFReceiveQueue | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | MSExchangeIS Public | Receive Queue Size | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| SMTP Categorizer Queue Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.SMTPCatQueue | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | SMTP Server | Categorizer Queue Length | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| SMTP Local Queue Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.SMTPLocalQueue | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | False | SMTP Server | Local Queue Length | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| SMTP Local Queue Monitor (Consecutive Samples) | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.SMTPLocalQueue.Consecutive | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | SMTP Server | Local Queue Length | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesThreshold | True | Internal | |
| SMTP Local Retry Queue | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.SMTPLocalRetryQueue | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | SMTP Server | Local Retry Queue Length | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| SMTP Messages Pending Routing Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.SMTPMsgPendRouting | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | SMTP Server | Messages Pending Routing | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| SMTP Message Queue Directory Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.SMTPMsgQueueDir | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | False | SMTP NTFS Store Driver | Messages in the queue directory | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| SMTP Message Queue Directory Monitor (Consecutive Samples) | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.SMTPMsgQueueDir.Consecutive | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | SMTP NTFS Store Driver | Messages in the queue directory | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesThreshold | True | Internal | |
| SMTP Remote Queue Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.SMTPRemoteQueue | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | False | SMTP Server | Remote Queue Length | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| SMTP Remote Queue Monitor (Consecutive Samples) | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.SMTPRemoteQueue.Consecutive | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | SMTP Server | Remote Queue Length | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesThreshold | True | Public | |
| SMTP Remote Retry Queue Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.SMTPRemoteRetryQueue | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | False | SMTP Server | Remote Retry Queue Length | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| SMTP Remote Retry Queue Monitor (Consecutive Samples) | | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue.SMTPRemoteRetryQueue.Consecutive | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.Queue | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | SMTP Server | Remote Retry Queue Length | 300 | True | Error | Normal | True | System.Performance.ConsecutiveSamplesThreshold | True | Public | |
| Microsoft Exchange Routing Engine Service Monitor | Monitors the health of the Windows service for Microsoft Exchange Routing Engine Service | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.RoutingEngine.ServiceHealth | Microsoft.Exchange.Routing.RoutingEngine | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.Windows.CheckNTServiceStateMonitorType | True | Public | |
| Memory Pool Non-Paged Bytes Monitor | | Microsoft.Exchange.ServerRole.2003.PoolNonPagedBytes | Microsoft.Exchange.ServerRole.2003 | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | Memory | Pool Nonpaged Bytes | 300 | True | Warning | Normal | True | System.Performance.TwoStateBaseliningMonitorWithoutCompression | True | Public | |
| Outlook Mobile Access Monitor | | Outlook_Mobile_Access_logon_failure.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.Protocol.OMA | System.Health.AvailabilityState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Outlook_Mobile_Access_logon_failure.Monitortype | True | Public | |
| Outlook Web Access Logon Monitor | | Outlook_Web_Access_logon_failure.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.Protocol.OWA | System.Health.AvailabilityState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Outlook_Web_Access_logon_failure.Monitortype | True | Public | |
| SSL should be enabled | | Verify_if_SSL_should_be_required.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.ServerRole.2003 | System.Health.AvailabilityState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | False | Verify_if_SSL_should_be_required.Monitortype | True | Public | |
| Log Files Truncated Monitor | | Verify_Log_Files_Are_Being_Truncated.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.Databases | System.Health.AvailabilityState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Warning | Normal | True | Verify_Log_Files_Are_Being_Truncated.Monitortype | True | Public | |
| SMTP Queues Monitor | | Verify_remote_Simple_Mail_Transfer_Protocol_queues.Monitor | Microsoft.Exchange.Protocol.SMTP | System.Health.AvailabilityState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Verify_remote_Simple_Mail_Transfer_Protocol_queues.Monitortype | True | Public | |