| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Parent Monitor | Category | Enabled | Instance Name | Counter Name | Frequency | Alert Generate | Alert Severity | Alert Priority | Alert Auto Resolve | Monitor Type | Remotable | Accessibility | RunAs |
| Distribution Agents state (aggregated for all Publications) | This monitor checks the state of the Distribution agents for all publications serviced by this Distributor. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.DistributionAgentState | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.ReplicationAgentState | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Availability of the Distribution database. | This monitor checks the availability of the Distribution database from the Distributor. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.DistributionDBAvailability | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.DBConnectionMonitor | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Availability of the Distribution database from a Subscriber. | This monitor checks availability of the Distribution database from the Subscriber. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.DistributionDBAvailabilityFromSubscriber | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | False | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.DistributorAvailabilityFromSubscriberMonitorType | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.DistributorAvailabilityFromSubscriberMonitor.RunAs.Monitor |
| Pending Commands on Distributor | There are pending commands on the Distributor waiting for delivery. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.DistributionDBPendingCmds | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Warning | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.DistributorPendingCmds | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Replication Log Reader Agent State for the Distributor (aggregated for all Publications) | This monitor checks the state of the Replication Log Reader for all Publications serviced by the Distributor. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.LogReaderAgentState | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.ReplicationAgentState | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Replication Merge Agent State for the Distributor (aggregated for all Subscriptions) | This monitor checks the state of the Merge agents for all Subscriptions on the Distributor. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.MergeAgentState | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.ReplicationAgentState | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Percent of Deactivated Subscriptions | Percent of Deactivated Subscriptions Monitor | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.PercentOfDeactivatedSubscriptions | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.ConfigurationState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.DistributorPercentOfDeactivatedSubscriptions | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Percent of Expired Subscriptions | Percent of Expired Subscriptions Monitor | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.PercentOfExpiredSubscriptions | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.ConfigurationState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.DistributorPercentOfDeactivatedSubscriptions | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Replication Log Reader Agent State for Publication | This monitor checks the status of the Replication Log Reader Agent service for Publications. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.PublicationLogReaderAgentState | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Publication | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.ReplicationAgentState | True | Internal | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Replication Snapshot Agent State | This monitor checks the status of the Replication Snapshot Agent service for Publications. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.PublicationSnapshotAgentState | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Publication | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.ReplicationAgentState | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Publication Snapshot Available Space | The monitor reports a warning when the available disk space for the publication Snapshot drops below the Warning Threshold setting. This is indicated as a percentage of the snapshot files folder size. The monitor reports a critical alert when the available space drops below the Critical Threshold. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.PublicationSnapshotFreeSpace | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.DistributorSnapshotFreeSpace | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| All Subscriptions are Synchronizing for Publication | All Subscriptions are Synchronizing | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.PublicationSubscriptionSyncStatusMonitor | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Publication | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Warning | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.PublicationSubscriptionSyncStatus | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| SQL Server Agent State for Publisher | This monitor checks if the SQL Server Agent is running on Publisher. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.PublisherAvailabilityMonitor | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Publisher | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.CheckReplicationServiceState | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Subscriptions state for Publisher | This monitor checks whether there are any inactive subscriptions for any publications. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.PublisherSubscriptionsMonitor | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Publisher | System.Health.ConfigurationState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Warning | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.PublisherSubscriptionsMonitor | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Replication Queue Reader Agent State for Distributor (aggregated for all Publications) | This monitor checks the status of the Queue Reader Agent services for all Publications on the Distributor. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.QueueReaderAgentState | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.ReplicationAgentState | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Replication Agents failed on the Distributor. | This monitor checks if the following Replication agent jobs are in a healthy state: Distribution agent, Merge agent, QueueReader agent, Log reader agent or Snapshot agent. If any of the agents are in a failed state, the monitor will be triggered. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.ReplicationAgentFailJobs | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Warning | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.DistributorFailJobs | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| One or more of the Replication Agents are retrying on the Distributor. | This monitor checks if any of the following Replication Agents are retrying an operation: Distribution Agent, LogReader Agent, Merge Agent, QueueReader Agent or Snapshot Agent. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.ReplicationAgentIsRetrying | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Warning | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.DistributorFailJobs | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Total daily execution time of the replication agent. | This monitors the total daily execution time of the replication agents, Distribution, LogReader, Merge, QueueReader and Snapshot on the Distributor. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.ReplicationAgentsLoad | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.DistributorAgentsLoad | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Replication Snapshot Agent State for Distributor (aggregated for all Publications) | This monitor checks the state of the Snapshot Agent services for all Publications on the Distributor. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.SnapshotAgentState | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.ReplicationAgentState | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| SQL Server Agent State for Distributor | This monitor checks if the SQL Server Agent is running on Distributor. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.SQLServerAgentState | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.CheckReplicationServiceState | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Subscriber Agent is Retrying | The Subscriber Agent (Distribution, LogReader, Merge, QueueReader and Snapshot) is Retrying Monitor | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.SubscriberAgentIsRetryingMonitor | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Subscriber | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Warning | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.DistributorFailJobs | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Load of Replication agents on Subscriber. | Replication agents (Distribution and Merge) load on Subscriber | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.SubscriberAgentsLoad | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Subscriber | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.DistributorAgentsLoad | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| SQL Server Agent State for Subscriber | This monitor checks if the SQL Server Agent is running on Subscriber. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.SubscriberAvailabilityMonitor | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Subscriber | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.CheckReplicationServiceState | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Distribution Agent State for Subscription | This monitor checks the status of the Replication Distribution Agent services for Subscription. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.SubscriptionDistributionAgentState | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Subscription | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.ReplicationAgentState | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Subscription latency | This monitor checks the latency for commands in the Distribution database waiting to be delivered to the subscribers. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.SubscriptionLongEstimatedTimeMonitor | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Subscription | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Warning | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.SubscriptionLongEstimatedTime | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Replication Merge Agent State for Subscription | This monitor checks the status of the Replication Merge Agent service for Subscription. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.SubscriptionMergeAgentState | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Subscription | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Error | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.ReplicationAgentState | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Subscription Pending Commands | There are pending commands on the Distributor for specific Subscription waiting delivery. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.SubscriptionPendingCmdsMonitor | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Subscription | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Warning | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.SubscriptionPendingCmds | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |
| Unsynchronized Subscriptions on Distributor | This monitor detects unsynchronized subscriptions for specific Distributors. | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Monitor.UnsyncSubscriptions | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.Distributor | System.Health.PerformanceState | PerformanceHealth | True | | | 0 | True | Warning | Normal | True | Microsoft.SQLServer.2012.Replication.MonitorType.DistributorUnsyncSubscriptions | True | Public | Microsoft.SQLServer.Replication.Monitoring.RunAs.Monitor |