| DisplayName | Description | ID | Target | Parent Monitor | Category | Enabled | Instance Name | Counter Name | Frequency | Alert Generate | Alert Severity | Alert Priority | Alert Auto Resolve | Monitor Type | Remotable | Accessibility | RunAs |
| Microsoft SystemCenter Microsoft Azure Activity And SQR Alert Monitor | Microsoft SystemCenter Microsoft Azure Activity And SQR Alert Monitor. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ActivityAndSQRAlert.Monitor | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Insights.BaseRuleClass | System.Health.AvailabilityState | StateCollection | True | | | 0 | False | | | False | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Alerts.HealthState.MonitorType | True | Public | |
| Microsoft SystemCenter Microsoft Azure ArmResource Monitor | Microsoft SystemCenter Microsoft Azure ArmResource Monitor. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ArmResource.Monitor | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ArmResource | System.Health.AvailabilityState | StateCollection | True | | | 0 | False | | | False | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ArmResource.HealthState.MonitorType | True | Public | |
| Microsoft SystemCenter Microsoft Azure ArmService Monitor | Microsoft SystemCenter Microsoft Azure ArmService Monitor. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ArmService.Monitor | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ArmService | System.Health.AvailabilityState | StateCollection | True | | | 0 | False | | | False | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ArmService.HealthState.MonitorType | True | Public | |
| Microsoft Azure Classic Virtual Machine Turn Off Monitor | Microsoft Azure Classic Virtual Machine Turn Off monitor. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.ClassicVirtualMachine.Turnoff.Monitor | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.GenericVirtualMachine.Classic | System.Health.AvailabilityState | StateCollection | True | | | 0 | True | Error | High | True | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.VirtualMachine.Turnoff.MonitorType | True | Public | |
| Microsoft Azure Cloud Service Certificate Expiration Monitor | Microsoft Azure Cloud Service Certificate expiration monitor. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.HostedService.Certificate.Monitor | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.GenericDomainName | System.Health.AvailabilityState | StateCollection | False | | | 0 | True | Error | High | True | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.HostedService.Certificate.MonitorType | True | Public | |
| Microsoft SystemCenter Microsoft Azure Metric Alert Monitor | Microsoft SystemCenter Microsoft Azure Metric Alert Monitor. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.MetricAlert.Monitor | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Insights.MetricAlert | System.Health.AvailabilityState | StateCollection | True | | | 0 | False | | | False | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Alerts.HealthState.MonitorType | True | Public | |
| Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine (Non-Classic) Turn Off Monitor | Microsoft Azure virtual machine (non-classic) turn-off monitor. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.NonClassicVirtualMachine.Turnoff.Monitor | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.GenericVirtualMachine.NonClassic | System.Health.AvailabilityState | StateCollection | True | | | 0 | True | Error | High | True | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.VirtualMachine.Turnoff.MonitorType | True | Public | |
| Microsoft Azure Subscription Certificate Expiration Monitor | Microsoft Azure Subscription Certificate expiration monitor. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Subscription.Certificate.Monitor | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Subscription | System.Health.AvailabilityState | StateCollection | False | | | 0 | True | Error | High | True | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Subscription.Certificate.MonitorType | True | Public | |
| Manageability Test Performance Monitor | Microsoft Enterprise Management Manageability Test Performance monitor. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Test.Performance.Monitor | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Test | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Test.Performance.MonitorType | True | Public | |
| Manageability Test State Monitor | Microsoft Enterprise Management Manageability Test State monitor. | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Test.State.Monitor | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Test | System.Health.AvailabilityState | AvailabilityHealth | False | | | 0 | True | MatchMonitorHealth | Normal | True | Microsoft.SystemCenter.MicrosoftAzure.Test.State.MonitorType | True | Public | |